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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Glove stitchers

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Does anyone on here do it? I need my old ones taken off and my new ones sewn on...I heard some people on here saying theyve dont it and I was just wondering

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I do my own. I've done it about 10 times now. I usually do it while watching TV.

I used to get big pieces of leather and then cut the 3 pieces, but this time my wife got me some leather palms from Done Right Sports in Calgary. I am in the middle of putting them on, and they are going on great.

If you are getting your own leather and cutting the pieces, cut them oversize, especially the thumb pieces, so that you have a margin for error. Then you can trim the excess after everything is in place. It's usually difficult to trace the old pieces onto the new leather because the old leather is stretched and disintegrated (or you wouldn't be re-palming your gloves!). It is easier if you sew the thumb pieces together before attaching everything to the glove, but I've done the opposite 2 times because only the thumb had worn out. If you are really talented you can do everything with 2 pieces; I tried that once, but the extra measuring etc. made it take much longer. You can use a machine to put these pieces together, if your machine has enough HP and its needle is strong enough to go through 2 to 3 layers of leather.

Now you are ready to put the palm onto the glove.

My trick is to use a sewing-machine needle (doing it by hand) to do lock-stitches. I used to use hand stitches, but the wear-and-tear from hockey would make hand stitches unravel. I push the sewing-machine needle through, extend the trailing loop, make a bight with the thread on the other side, put the bight through the trailing loop, and then pull both threads tight (popping the needle back to its side).

I don't use a thimble any more because the sewing machine needles I am using now are very sharp, except for the parts of the thumb where there are 3 layers of leather.

Another suggestion: pin the tips of the thumb, the "V" between the thumb and index finger, and the tip of the index finger, and start at the heel of the hand (the corner farthest from your thumb). Go towards the base of the thumb, then do the thumb and index finger. Because the outside of the 5th finger / heel of the hand is straighter, I leave that part last (greater margin for error). Then I sew on the over-wrap for the 5th finger / heel of the hand, and the other one for the thumb / V / outside of the 2nd finger.

About the thread: jhrky36 recommends 6-lb fishing line or nylon, and lester8 and rustybender recommend dental floss. I use carpet thread, which is a nylon-polyester blend. Equipment repair thread I also melt any knots that I am making, because of the slipperiness of the nylon.

I also replace any torn outer pieces while the palms are off (easier access to the inside of the glove).

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I use a stich remover from a sewing kit to remove the palms.

If you need somebody to do it for you, maybe get a professional from this recent thread... Another glove repalming thread

Also, Done Right Sports (Calgary)

But, it isn't that hard to do it yourself.

I would do it for you, but I'm assuming that you need this done quickly. I have to do my own before the season starts, and I'm doing 2 other players' gloves.

I'm in Vancouver; if you have trouble, PM me...

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I tie my own flies for fly-fishing but taking the time to cut, sew and re-palm your own gloves: I'm impressed!! I wish I had that much free time!!


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