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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which skate offers most free ankle movement?

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bud the 707 is the most flexible boot out there, i dont see a mission with an extra piece sewn not on the boot to allow for ankle mobility and flexibility. also you dont need skates coming up too your calf to be supportive, look at players like bobby orr and paul coffey there skates werent supportive but they played great, aslong as your lower ankle bone i forget the name but its right at the bottom of your heel. if thats locked into place your foot should not move laterally just forward and backwards since your ankle bone is the stronger bone is the lower portion of your body because your ankle cannot move side to side just up and down

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would it be the 707s or a mission skate?

Check out a KOR skate too. Unless I'm soft in the head (well.... I am soft in the head....) that's sort of the premise behind the KOR skate (lower cut skates for more ankle movement).

You could also try lacing the skates up lower in a normal skate to get more forward flexion/ankle movement.

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would it be the 707s or a mission skate?

Check out a KOR skate too. Unless I'm soft in the head (well.... I am soft in the head....) that's sort of the premise behind the KOR skate (lower cut skates for more ankle movement).

You could also try lacing the skates up lower in a normal skate to get more forward flexion/ankle movement.

The Kors are fairly stiff and unlike either of the skates he asked about.

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But, if his question is "which skate offers most free ankle movement" and we don't pay attention to brand, wouldn't the KOR be more along that line than most due to the low cut?

Not really. I have to lace mine down an eyelet because of their stiffness, despite being a low cut boot to begin with.

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