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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After one skate in my new Graf GW, the basement was flooded when I was out today. I got a call telling me, so I got them out as soon as possible. They were completely under water. I took out the insoles, have got all of the water out of the holder, or at least I can't hear it anymore. They are soaked, but I think they will be alright. Any advice on what I can do? I'm in no hurry to use them, I'd like to be out in them Sunday again, but its not do or die. I have the on their side and will be putting the fan in them to dry them soon. Hair Dryers are bad for this type of thing right?

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I dont know about a hair dryer would be bad, but a heat gun would probably warp the boot from my knowledge. I think a hair dryer may be ok. I would probably just let them be on the deck or family room w/e let them dry out and take the hair dryer to them once in awhile maybe? Im not 100% what to do thats just my $0.02!

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That was a pretty hecktick storm today. I just got a new drumset yesterday, my house is only 5 years old but the way the rain was falling today, I got a bit worried.

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sorry to hear about that ben, it was super bad here. a few guys who work for us there basements got flooded and one guy who rents out a basement apartment and is just gettin ready to move. alot of his stuff was ruined. you got the one hole in the heel i drilled for you so that may help.

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Stuff newspaper in the boot and change the newspaper every 2-3 hours. You will be surprised how much water that the newspaper will soak up.

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if you have insurance...you might be able to get a new pair..my friend had all his equipement fucked by rain in the basement...he had something like 1000 or 1500 to buy a new equipement....

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Stuff newspaper in the boot and change the newspaper every 2-3 hours. You will be surprised how much water that the newspaper will soak up.

This is excellent advise. I've used the same techique for soaked hunting boots.

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Stuff newspaper in the boot and change the newspaper every 2-3 hours. You will be surprised how much water that the newspaper will soak up.

This is excellent advise. I've used the same techique for soaked hunting boots.

My high school football coach taught me that trick 30 years years ago! Its been a long time since I shared it with anyone!

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if you have insurance...you might be able to get a new pair..my friend had all his equipement fucked by rain in the basement...he had something like 1000 or 1500 to buy a new equipement....

DON'T!!! Believe me, you will get SCREWED by your insurance company.

I hadn't used our home insurance for ten years, then had to use it twice (although one of the two really wasn't a big deal). They jacked up our house insurance from $770 to $2500 -- for three years!

Of course, I tried to switch and would be halfway through the interview when they said, "Oh, you have a mark on our record? I'm sorry, we can't accept your business." Basically, there appears to be this gentlemen's agreement in the insurance industry that, "If we all agree to refuse any clients that have marks on their record, they can't switch on us and we'll all be able to charge more."

It gets even worse, however, since most insurance companies report your inquiry -- "Hey, if a tree fell on my garage, is that covered?" -- as a mark against you. Some states are passing legislature to make that illegal, that only actual claims can go on your record.

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We don't plan to go through insurance, not at this point at least. Were currently airing out the house and it seems to be coming together nicely. I appreciate the advice, I'll fire some newspaper in there now.

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Same sorta thing happend to me last christmas. We were in Florida visiting relatives and we had some friends back in Minnesota check the house after like a week of us not being there. So anyways we got a call saying that there was a huge blizzard and the wind blew open our french doors and some of our pipes froze and burst and that there was 2 inches of water in our basement... So we started freaking out because I had my drumset and like 3 amps down there, but luckily the water was on the other side of the basement so nothing was hurt. We just stuck a couple of those really big fans down there to dry up all the water and everything was alright.

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What do to dry out all of my equipment after ALL games is to hang them up by the boiler. My boiler/hot water heater is in a semi-enclosed space, so anything around that area gets dried very well. The air is very dry, and semi-warm. No humidity whatsoever. In the wintertime when we have the heat on, everything dries even more quickly. In the summer, it's just turning water hot that's all. But it's enough. Try that EZ.

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