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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok today I went to Superstore get my brother a video game. Across the street from it was a apartment being built. It had all the frame done and that's about it. I was probaly inside Superstore for a maximum of 10 minutes and when I walked out there was this HUGE fire at the apartment building. It was probaly 2 blocks away from me and I could feel the heat. It had a huge thing of smoke going like 200-250 feet in the air and flames going about 50 feet.Its amazing how fast big fires can start. In 10 minutes the whole building was up in flames. Anybody that lives in Edmonton or near it probaly heard about it.

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To go from nothing to 50 foot flames in 10 minutes sounds like there was some type of accelerant. I'm no expert though, where's Buzz when you need him? Probably pulling some 800 pound woman out of her house on a door.

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I heard one kind of "boom" and I saw this fireball pop out. Im guessing cans of paint or something. Bad thing was that there was a gas station right next to it but they put it out in time.

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After you mentioned the boom my guess would be busted gasline or something like that.

Sort of same thing happened to house I was near years ago. We heard a huge boom and ten min's later the FD was there. If memory serves me, they said the gas line exploded.

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My local paper said a propane tank exploded. good call chadd on saying there was something else.

Just a logical assumption, I have no experience with fire. Other than campfires. I swear. :unsure:

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Chadd, don't try to hide it: You were a pyro when you were my age. Most guys are/were...

Just because I still have four different molotov cocktail recipes memorized from when I was a teenager, that makes me a pyro? :huh:

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...That's pretty much my definition of "Pyro"

I miss my old 30 foot tall campfires and the 50 degree mountain streams.

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Chadd, don't try to hide it: You were a pyro when you were my age. Most guys are/were...


I still love a good fire, I just try to play with it in a more controllable manner.

FYI, engine starting spary (Ether) IS NOT an acceptable substance to spray on charcoal to lite a BBQ. It does however, make very pretty fireballs. :lol:

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Chadd, don't try to hide it:  You were a pyro when you were my age.  Most guys are/were...


I still love a good fire, I just try to play with it in a more controllable manner.

FYI, engine starting spary (Ether) IS NOT an acceptable substance to spray on charcoal to lite a BBQ. It does however, make very pretty fireballs. :lol:

That reminds me, I need to get the chimney cleaned in my new house.

I never progressed to this level though

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Chadd, don't try to hide it:  You were a pyro when you were my age.  Most guys are/were...


I still love a good fire, I just try to play with it in a more controllable manner.

FYI, engine starting spary (Ether) IS NOT an acceptable substance to spray on charcoal to lite a BBQ. It does however, make very pretty fireballs. :lol:

...and apparently some of us will never grow out of it.

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