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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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team picking...has this happened to you?

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this is kinda like the previous post but we have tryouts in August and Im gonna train like hell ova the summer. At my rink, I have a feeling the team has already been picked for next year, whcih really annoys me because they havent had a chance to see what I can do or how much better I am than next year. This really annoys me because today the owner came up to me and said "u got any ideas for a coach for next year? i say no, and then he goes ok ill have to find one. I know the A team already has 2 coaches for next year. Has this happened to you?

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Guest phillyfan

Happens more than you think. At a local rink, last years Bantam A team was full of players moving up to Minors. This year for tryouts, they barely did squat, giving half-ass effort, but ALL magically still made one of the Minor A teams, same coach too..... Sometimes, Coaches sons, assistant coaches sons, coaches sons friends, ect, make up 60% of the team before they even hold tryouts. Aggravation is apart of life though, I choose to live with it...

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If there's another team near you try out for them too and see if you get on the same level team as you trying out for and you regular team.

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I know this sounds retarded but it can help you develop skills playing on a lower level team. I'm not saying your bad or anything but if you can play on a A team and be the star or play on a AA team and be any average player you will devlop skills like stickhandling in the lowere level. The whole team being picked before the tryouts has happended around here. Don't rage if you don't make it though. Some kid around here sued the hockey association and won.

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I know this sounds retarded but it can help you develop skills playing on a lower level team.

You've actually got it backwards. It's better to be an average player at a higher level than a star at a lower level. By playing at the higher level it forces you to put more effort into your game, forces you to think faster, and improves your overall game. You can work on stickhandling at home all day. Play at the higher level and work on your game.

Also, playing at a lower level will allow bad habits to creep into your game because you don't have to play at the top of your game.

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As well the players around you will not be as skilled as the upper levels so it will alter the way you play the game. Often it is more successful to do things the wrong way at a lower level because your basic skills take over.

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As well the players around you will not be as skilled as the upper levels so it will alter the way you play the game. Often it is more successful to do things the wrong way at a lower level because your basic skills take over.

Yet another reason to play at the higher level rather than the lower level. If the players around you aren't as skilled then you are forced to play outside of your game and that will hurt your development, as well. If you're constantly trying to cover for less skilled players that usually means you're not playing good positional hockey and you won't get into the habit of being in the right places.

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Listen I think I wrote a similar story on here a while ago. Just play your game, I was cut from AA a few years back and now all the kids who played on that team can't even make the high school team, and were asking like "how the heck did you make it ?" and "who do you know" and that kinda stuff before the season, then they saw me play and shut their mouths. I just said I tried hard, and I guess I am good enough. Things will work out, don't worry about it, play for fun and try your best.

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A simmilar sittuation happened to me, only in travel AAA. Well it turned out a lot better, because now I am playing for 3 different teams that are better than the team that I didn't make, and I'll end up with a lot more games and practices so I'm on the ice more so I can get better. Just work a lot and try your best. If it's possible try out for a different team in your area, Like someone else said before me.

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Guest Stax7

Happend to me at AAA tryouts i went played awesom. Definatly in top 10 players but i got cut. Later on i found out the jerseys had been ordered before the tryouts. But the coach prob didnt keep me cuz i nailed his son in the season and broke his wrist. But it was a clean check. I was pissed but i got over it

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One time I got cut from a team and went to the leage under. The coach came to one of our games and saw me and asked who I was, even though he cut me. Next week I was on the first line forthe team I was cut from. Where I live, it doesnt matter how good you are, it matters on who you know, and if you makethe team once and you where the teams socks in tryouts, they know you were on the team before and keep you.

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As well the players around you will not be as skilled as the upper levels so it will alter the way you play the game. Often it is more successful to do things the wrong way at a lower level because your basic skills take over.

That will force you to do more on your own and that will make your individual skills improve, unless you have no help at all on the team.

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Sometimes it pays to know what the coach and the team have planned as far as goals to reach are concerned. Speaking as a coach that coaches a few teams if it is the quote (family fun team) we are looking for good players but not neccessarily the best player with the worst parents while still being competetive. If its for the most competetive team I will allow some leeway for parents but this still weighs heavily into the decision as the apple doesnt fall far from the tree sometimes.We have rulebooks and behavior agreements that must be signed but remember your behavoir and your parents behavior still affect these decisions.I have said all this even before I have even given a single clue as to how we pick for talent.Coaches and teams differ in programs and talent level look for the right one for you.Give 110% and no complaining goes a long way in making a favorable impression.Hints from a coach.

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As well the players around you will not be as skilled as the upper levels so it will alter the way you play the game. Often it is more successful to do things the wrong way at a lower level because your basic skills take over.

That will force you to do more on your own and that will make your individual skills improve, unless you have no help at all on the team.

You can work on individual skills away from the rink. You are far better off playing in a stronger league with better players if you want your overall game to improve. In playing in a stronger league it forces you to learn to do everything faster. Playing in a worse league will actually develop bad habits if you are a stronger player.

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Sometimes it pays to know what the coach

Or...Sometimes paying the coach helps. J/K. To be honest, Playing hockey with people better then me is always a lot more fun. I tend to be very competitive and I usually try a lot harder. It also makes my game better. Plus, they tend to see your weeknesses on the ice and are usually good at helping you fix them.

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