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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gmail Invites

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It's a google based email system with I think 1000 _B ( is it giga or mega?) of storage that you need to be invited to take part in. It's not overly popular.

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It's a google based email system with I think 1000 _B ( is it giga or mega?) of storage that you need to be invited to take part in. It's not overly popular.

2.5 Gigs now

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It's not overly popular.

It's actually very popular in certain market segments, but it's still in a test phase. Once they open it up to everyone and no invite is needed, it will get much more popular.

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I use gmail for my ebay account. I have 600+ emails so i have no worries about running out of space. I love it!

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