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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to care for equipment in car

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I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions to care for my gear. I keep all of it in my car for pickup whenever I have time to play after work. Should I not keep everything in there due to bacteria and/or damage by the heat? How often do you guys air out your gear or is that necessary for gear in the trunk?


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If it's absoloutly necessary to keep it in your car put the a/c on untill you need to get out, and buy one of those "shields" that blocks the sun from comming into your car that you put across the dash. Try to take it out at all costs.

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I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions to care for my gear. I keep all of it in my car for pickup whenever I have time to play after work. Should I not keep everything in there due to bacteria and/or damage by the heat? How often do you guys air out your gear or is that necessary for gear in the trunk?


HAH ! leave your gear in the car.. Don't you find that your car smells like a change room after a game ? I feel embaressed taking my gurl to games cause my gear smells not so good after the game.. ;) and you may find the temperature in the car is much higher in the sun than outside which may result in your sticks warping..

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How often do you guys air out your gear or is that necessary for gear in the trunk?

I Febreeze and air out my gear after every ice time and leave it on a rack until the next time I play. It takes a while to spray and lay everything out, but so far I've got the best smelling gear (or least smelly that is) in the room. Maybe you do this already, but at least let it dry overnight after you play before throwing it back in the bag until the next ice time.

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I do almost the same as flashgordon but i do not febreeze my gear. I found that the febreeze made my gear smell worse, like it just made my very smeely gear just smell like a butthole/febreeze mix, not very pleasent.

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I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions to care for my gear. I keep all of it in my car for pickup whenever I have time to play after work. Should I not keep everything in there due to bacteria and/or damage by the heat? How often do you guys air out your gear or is that necessary for gear in the trunk?


Unfortunately Dave, there is really nothing you can do besides spray a lot of OT or another bacteriacide on your equipment. At best that will slow bacteria growth, since you are not airing it out, you are going to get foul odors quick. Bacteria thrive at higher temps, so you're getting double jeopardy by leaving in your car.

P.S., I'm just like you, play 4 days in a row and the stuff rarely leaves the car. Lucky for me, I own a sanitizing machine and can treat whenever I want. One of the "perks".

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