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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christian Custom blades

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I want to order some tapered christian woodblades....which one has the best feel?Im gonna order some in the drury clone...any help anyone? Can anyone order some for me?

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Minimum is 6 and most of the info is available on the Christian website if you download the custom form. They have a Drury clone (#3 curve), but if you don't need anything special just order the #3 retail pattern.The regular retail is cheaper than customs.

Puck feel is excellent and durability depends on how you treat them. If you take the tape off after every game, they last quite a while.

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Number 3 is listed as a "mid-heel"...It that really a clone? Is the drury really a mid-heel

Would number 7 be it?

3 is exactly the same as the Drury. I'll take a pic compared to the Nike Lemieux when I get to work tomorrow.

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i was just looking on the christian website, and the pics of the patterns, and #5 looks a lot like a drury, although they have it listed as comparable to the iginla.

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Hey Chadd,

do u have any idea on how the hull clones are comming along?



Good question, I sent that in a while ago. I'll check on it.

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i was just looking on the christian website, and the pics of the patterns, and #5 looks a lot like a drury, although they have it listed as comparable to the iginla.

5 is Iggy

3 is Drury

I have the comp #3 and it's exactly the same as the Nike Lemieux Apollo I have

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Does it hold its stiffness for a decent time?

I have noted that those diamond sock weaves do NOT hold their stiffness long (just my experience, which is dated with that product so it may have been changed since). However, the water gets in too easily through the weave and causes the wood to swell/break. I have never been a fan of the design as a result.

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Does it hold its stiffness for a decent time?

I have noted that those diamond sock weaves do NOT hold their stiffness long (just my experience, which is dated with that product so it may have been changed since). However, the water gets in too easily through the weave and causes the wood to swell/break. I have never been a fan of the design as a result.

The old ones sucked but they changed the fiber wrap this year. I wouldn't buy them until the sock changed.

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christian didnt do a very good job showing waht curves they have. you cant tell by their blade thing if its what you want or not

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christian didnt do a very good job showing waht curves they have. you cant tell by their blade thing if its what you want or not

In the catalog they have a chart comparing their curves to other brands and it's farily accurate.

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Whatever dude! If you read what Chadd wrote and the way Ogie wrote his question, it would seem that not everyone knows what the patterns look like. However, after rereading Ogie's post, I understand now what he was getting at.

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Badsk8ter,I wasnt being sarcastic,Its nice of you to post that b,ut Im pretty sure they knew where to find the patterns as they even said they looked at them.

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