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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

M1's For $69 !

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they were 69 for most of the weekend and were back to 89 earlier today before the re-drop.....looks like they have sold quite a few already...

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I already posted this in the sell forum but they are $59 at hockeymonkey.com

Hrm, still is $139 at HockeyMonkey unless I'm looking at the wrong page.........

Edit: Maybe you were talking about the M-1 gloves?

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I already posted this in the sell forum but they are $59 at hockeymonkey.com

Hrm, still is $139 at HockeyMonkey unless I'm looking at the wrong page.........

Edit: Maybe you were talking about the M-1 gloves?

Yep, read the post too fast. I was thinking of the gloves :unsure:

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WTF? They're back to 89 and 99 now :unsure:

Not sure why, but they'll change prices randomly back and forth. This happened with those pair of Mission Betty skates they've had on clearance. One day they were $60, another day they were $40, then back to $60.........then they dropped it to $30 and I bought a pair for a chick friend.

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I'm thikning of either getting a M-1 grip (85 flex, Carter) at Hockeygiant or a SMU Apollo OPS (87, Legwand) from hockeymonkey. How do the two compare? Is the SMU exactly the same as the retail Apollos (excpet with a better paintjob)?

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makes you go back and forth..it changes a couple times per day..ie the Hyper Alloy pants have been $32 the past couple days and now are $15

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I'm thikning of either getting a M-1 grip (85 flex, Carter) at Hockeygiant or a SMU Apollo OPS (87, Legwand) from hockeymonkey. How do the two compare? Is the SMU exactly the same as the retail Apollos (excpet with a better paintjob)?

What does SMU mean?

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