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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LS/LS2 Holders - Durability?

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Does the steel being loose hurt anything? It's annoying to hear it, and feels a little odd off the ice and on the bench, but doesn't it hurt speed or anything? I have a handful of games left until the end of the season, and at that point I'll probably change holders.

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Does the steel being loose hurt anything? It's annoying to hear it, and feels a little odd off the ice and on the bench, but doesn't it hurt speed or anything? I have a handful of games left until the end of the season, and at that point I'll probably change holders.

Yes, it leads to the steel breaking. Plus, the movement wears away at the bolt head and soon the blade separates and pops out. Then you're screwed.

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What I do is tap the back of the steel against the edge of a table or something to wedge it out, then pull it out. You can try heating it as well. The steel must come forward, then out.

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Can out spec/bad steel cause the the holders to breakdown prematurely?

I've had trouble with LS1 holders (I'm on my 3rd set, with the same steel).

My LHS suggested I replace the holders and blades. Suggestions?

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