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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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<snip image>

Burberry does Easton's (not my best this was a 20 min quickie! screwed up the cuff) :lol:

Worn the coat. I'd buy the gloves.

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I thought of a cool idea that someone could try (if it hasn't already been done,i haven't been through most of the pages of this thread). Take the black vapor XXX gloves, reverse them, so instead of the little bit of white on them, its a little bit of black with a plain white base. Just a thought. COUlD be pretty sweet. potentialy. not neccesarily

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I thought of a cool idea that someone could try (if it hasn't already been done,i haven't been through most of the pages of this thread). Take the black vapor XXX gloves, reverse them, so instead of the little bit of white on them, its a little bit of black with a plain white base. Just a thought. COUlD be pretty sweet. potentialy. not neccesarily

sort of like this?


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I thought of a cool idea that someone could try (if it hasn't already been done,i haven't been through most of the pages of this thread). Take the black vapor XXX gloves, reverse them, so instead of the little bit of white on them, its a little bit of black with a plain white base. Just a thought. COUlD be pretty sweet. potentialy. not neccesarily

sort of like this?


ya, that looks pretty sweet to me. it could look better, but those look like a pretty awesoume start

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Thats ok, I like photoshop.

My degree is in graphic design, but I am not much for drawing, so had to learn photoshop better to make up for it.

hahahahaha, that was my thinking growing up.

i just cant be bothered doing graphic art anymore, that whole industry just killed me.

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Funnily enough Im exactly the same. Did my Degree in design, got into the industry and found out what a rip it was. Now Im back in sales and lets just say its allot better in terms of pay as a Salesman as opposed to a "Designer"

Still, all the PS and Illustrator skills come in handy when designing jerseys etc for clubs and mates here in Melbourne, the Hyenas for eg:(in Orange)...



PS: Also took the pics myself, with a high res cam.

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Vapor XXX Gloves/Skates in XXX Lite Colors? Lime X's, etc... Didn't see it, but kinda skipped around.

Edit: Found the skates. No Gloves yet. Maybe even a Helmet in XXX Lite Colors, and RBK Gloves and helmet in the 9K Black/Lime colors.

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Vapor XXX Gloves/Skates in XXX Lite Colors? Lime X's, etc... Didn't see it, but kinda skipped around.

Edit: Found the skates. No Gloves yet. Maybe even a Helmet in XXX Lite Colors, and RBK Gloves and helmet in the 9K Black/Lime colors.

Anybody 4 some Major 9k Pumpage!!!!! With Rbk's all new Pumpable palms and Pumpable helmet padding for Kustom comfort lol! :lol:


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That is just SICK!!! I've been noodling the Pump helmet idea for a while, Like football helmets use the air bladders. But I suppose the bladders would be too heavy for today's Lightness requirements

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That is a great idea on both. Similar to football helmets as said before and the gloves would have the pump work on the back side of the glove for a more snug fit. Wont be suprised to see this in a couple of years and we can all say we saw here first. Great job.

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Vapor XXX Gloves/Skates in XXX Lite Colors? Lime X's, etc... Didn't see it, but kinda skipped around.

Edit: Found the skates. No Gloves yet. Maybe even a Helmet in XXX Lite Colors, and RBK Gloves and helmet in the 9K Black/Lime colors.

XXX lite gloves not the best but wtv.....


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ooohhhhh. 10.0 roller goalie skates... oh no you didn't!


btw here's my ps job for the night. Black 8K with red inserts:


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