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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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I'm thinking he's more considering it garbage because for the most part it's been relegated to totalhockey photochop jobs and 4 out of every 5 posts is someone requesting yet another hack job. not that you do a bad job of it, it's just tired and old, and pretty darn simple to figure out what a certain holder would look like on a certain pair of skates.

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Thanks <_<

I think people got bored of it because you stopped doing requests and well doing anything alltogether.

I did 4 or 5 total requests...thats it. Im sorry i cant sit home all day and Photoshop, i have more important things to do.

This thread is made for fun and exactly in your words "Post 'em Up"

It is made for fun. "Post 'em up" means post the work you do, not request anything and everything that comes to mind. Even then, half of the requests have already been post before.

its not about being super amazing

No its not, but i cant help myself from laughing hysterically when you post something like this:


and creative because pretty much every possible idea has been done.

Everything has been done already? HA!

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Hey i'll admit my earlier photoshops were crappy even more recent ones when I don't really care but I still think its wrong to say everything is garbage, just because we aren't worthy to be in the same thread as you the "photoshop god"

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I'm lovin the blacked out XXX's and the blacked out XX's would look real nice without those stadium lights or whatever you put on them. Those are two real good lookin skates in my eyes.

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the XXXX's look nice with anything! after not liking them the more and more i see them i want to turn them into rollerblades.

i hope the comment i made this morning didnt stir anything, but i was away all day, and i apologize if it did.

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can anyone add the Ls2 Power holders to the black ccm 10.0's. I put the ls2 powers on my old blue 10.0s and loved them i would like to see how they look on the black ones.

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