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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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05 Graf Skates

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We must be in the minority though cuz I don't see many people in Graf's. Then again I'm in our country's tiniest state.

Around my area (In Canada) I'd say Graf/Vapors take up about half of the skate market for anyone who plays at a Rep or higher level.

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So are they planning on making the whole 7-- series like that? If so anybody know somewhere that sells 709's like that?

On a side note great white + silver? Somebody should try it.

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So are they planning on making the whole 7-- series like that? If so anybody know somewhere that sells 709's like that?

On a side note great white + silver? Somebody should try it.

i think they are making all graf skates period like that. if not this year, i would expec tby next year to see a silver version of every graf skate. remember that the 6xx series is no longer being made.

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So are they planning on making the whole 7-- series like that? If so anybody know somewhere that sells 709's like that?

On a side note great white + silver? Somebody should try it.

Mine are GW with Teclite, so its kind've close.

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but the traditional ones dont come with cobras. that was my main reason for buying these skates. if your into the 600 series try to find a pair NOW, they were selling for $300 CDN new at my LHS but they didnt have a 9D

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the 735 is still available in the black boot with t-blades or the silver one with cobras but if you look at skates now adays i.e vapor XX, nikes and ccm vectors if your wearing these skates then how can you say there ruining a great look. they still have 6-10 skates that are black boots.

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the 735 is still available in the black boot with t-blades or the silver one with cobras but if you look at skates now adays i.e vapor XX, nikes and ccm vectors if your wearing these skates then how can you say there ruining a great look. they still have 6-10 skates that are black boots.

Ummm......we can say that cuz looks are subjective.

Also, I'm not in space boots right now. I'm in 703's.

Though flexlight 10's seem to be a good bang for the buck.

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if looks are subjective then why has nobody talked about the looks of bauer and how theyve changed there looks many times aswell as ccm

Bauer's Supreme line has always been "traditional" in terms of looks.

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if looks are subjective then why has nobody talked about the looks of bauer and how theyve changed there looks many times aswell as ccm

Not only that, but the Supreme Line has not varied very drastically at all. The Vapor line has always been more unique, but Bauer never got rid of their primarily black "classic" looking skate.

Again, same deal w/ CCM. Always been a tacks line w/ the black boot and some form of their heel wedge, then the addition of the crazy looking externo/vector line.

But Eazy's right. It's a Graf thread :P

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Is there anywhere to order these online? My LHS doesnt carry 709's, let alone the newer version of them.

goldy- not sure what we will be bringing in this year. graf sells okay for us, but the trend with many is lighter, newer, faster... instead of comfort.

if i had to guess, id say most likely bringing in "new" 705s and 703s? from there itd be too hit or miss, so ill leave it at that.

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Is there anywhere to order these online? My LHS doesnt carry 709's, let alone the newer version of them.

you ever thought of having your lhs order them in for you in your size

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