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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey wallpaper

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I search google for players or teams I want a wall paper for, and put the settings on "large." Search google for NHL desktop wallpaper sites too, I'm sure you'll find some good stuff.

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Check out Iris Cheung's website. Link

I personally don't know her but she's well known over at the Canucks.com forums for her stunning wallpapers.

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Try searching Google Images. If you type just the players name that you are looking for, they have some good actual wallpapers. Or if you are an Avs fan, go to their website then Fan Connect, and click on wallpapers. They used to have so many awsome Forsberg ones, but they took them off of the website obviously. This is the one that I got from the Avs website:


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if your interested i made one a few days ago


you have a widescreen hp pavillion? or do you use a mac?

i use a normal PC. I just made it wide format because I tend to like that better than a big 800x600, 1024x768 or a 1280x1024

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