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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PSP vs. PS2

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Wonder who has used these? I am very tenatively looking into the PSP. I have a PS2, but rarely play it. Don't really play with too many guys or on-line much. I already have an MP3 player. I am thinking the travel play of the PSP is nice, and I may travel more, but it won't be alot. How are the movies on it? How is the game-play/graphics vs. PS2.

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I've played around with my friend's and its nice. However, I wouldn't buy it planning on getting movies for it. They're expensive, and obviously you can only watch them on the PSP.

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PSP is pretty good overall handheld. Most of the games that are out on it and that were out on ps2 arent too great from experience (dead to rights, twisted metal) theres just not the capacity to compress all the features so it gets really repedative. Other games like midnight club dub edition and from what I hear madden are the full version games are really good. Just the load times for those games is awful and very annoying. I have online enabled but theres never anyone else online to play against so its pointless. I guess I just have to try different games out but the newer games that are coming out are really good and I find myself playing psp more than ps2 (besides madden).

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Some people have had pixel problems with their PSP. I'd much rather get a PS2 over a PSP. There's more choice of games for the PS2 obviously. You won't be able to store much on your PSP unless you get a 512mb or 1gb Memory Stick. Which will cost roughly another $80-$100+. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind getting a PSP, but not at the price it's going for right now. If I do buy one, it'll be when the price finally drops... which I'm guessing is when the PS3 will come out.

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If you use a lot of public transportation (train bus etc.) its really good and useful, but when you work all day long its quite unnecessary, becuase when you are at home you can use your pc or console.

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You can also transfer movies onto a memory stick so you dont have to buy UMD movies. There are several programs for this.

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If you get a 1 gig memory card it would be useful because you could just download movies instead of buying which is always good. Buying movies is pretty pointless because they are really compacted anyway. The spider man 2 DVD it came with didn't even have a scene selection, all it had was play and a few options.

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if you want to do anything on the road, like listen to music, watch movies , even emailing, the psp is good. i hear the game lumines is really good. i know a bunch of people who use it to play downloaded movies (from the memory sticks) and all of them also play music with it too.

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PSP's are kinda neat, my buddy has one and when you go to places at school that are wireless hotspots you can surf the internet, which is kinda cool.

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