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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jason Harris

MP3's as ringtones?

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Okay, after reading the DVD burning thread, I noticed that some of you lads are wizards with the computer, so I'm hoping somebody knows how to do this -- particularly to my Motorola V600.

Further, about four months ago I saw downloadable software that was designed for easily recording snippets of songs, and I think compressing it for the phone. All I remember is its name was something like "Ringtune 4.0", but I can't find it now.

Any computer savants out there?

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I got a cable from www.cellcables.com, it comes with decent software.

It's cool, because you can cut out snippets of whatever song you want to use for your ringtone, so you can have something that nobody else does.

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Thanks to your advice, I'm further along than I was but I'm still having problems. I created a clip and had it sent as a text message to my phone, but I don't use text messaging much, so I don't know what to do to get this clip into my Sounds area.

It's a Motorola V600. Does anyone know how to do this?


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Does anyone have the motorola v710? How can i use the bluetooth to get the ringtones from that tech tv site?

I have the Motorola v710.

However, I can't help you with your question as I have one of my own.

How do I change to volume, without hearing how loud it goes? Like you know how it gets louder and louder as you turn the volume up? I want to turn the volume up, without hearing how loud it goes.

Thanks everyone in advance.

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Does anyone have the motorola v710? How can i use the bluetooth to get the ringtones from that tech tv site?

I have the Motorola v710.

However, I can't help you with your question as I have one of my own.

How do I change to volume, without hearing how loud it goes? Like you know how it gets louder and louder as you turn the volume up? I want to turn the volume up, without hearing how loud it goes.

Thanks everyone in advance.

If you're meaning ringer volume I only hear how loud it goes when I am turning volume down. When I am increasing volume there is no noise.

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