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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DeI 18

Black XXs?

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what kind of skates is kovy wearing in that pic

They look like RBK's but he's a Bauer guy. yup I don't know either.

He has wide feet. Look at the laces...it must be 3 inches wide from eyelet to eyelet.

Vapor XX. He may just like the bottoms loose as well.

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they have the SFL label on them, not the "vapor" silver on the side. Clearly XX with XXX coloring.

Kovy wears the old vapor tens, but they're made up special by the factory to look like nike v-12's. I wonder what his skates are going to look like this season...

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a little off topic, but look at the color scheme on kovys gloves in the 1st pic. little different seeing the yellow with russian jerseys. they look like thrashers colors... are those what he uses during the season? youd think he would be decked out in red/wht/blue.

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Thank you. They are XXX minus the LS's. He has Tuuks + i think on em.

on a side note, where is the screw to lock in the runner/blade on the custom + tuuk? I can't see it on all the pics of the Bauer skates with it. Is the blade easily replaceable?

One in the toe and one in the heel.


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a little off topic, but look at the color scheme on kovys gloves in the 1st pic. little different seeing the yellow with russian jerseys. they look like thrashers colors... are those what he uses during the season? youd think he would be decked out in red/wht/blue.

he used thoose XX gloves during this season in AK bars

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