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Big Dawg

AP Classes

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I am scheduling my classes for next year and am wondering do you guys think AP classes are really better than regular and how do colleges look at them? Are they really worth it?

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Guest 2048

Apparently colleges really do care about them and like seeing good grades in them. I took 4 thisyear and was fine. Then again, it was senior year and I stopped caring in January.

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I am taking 3 this year (junior year) and have all A's in them. I didnt really find them harder then other classes partly because you dont have the kids who just screw off in class there and you actually learn the material. My counseler told me that colleges like to see AP classes in youur schedule it shows you are challenging yourself and not just taking blow of classes.

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I'm a junior and am taking two right now, AP US History and AP American Lit. Last year I took AP Euro history, and next year I'm taking AP Stats, Gov, Econ, and lit. It definitely doesn't hurt to take them.

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Guest phillyfan

It was suggested to me by my Counselor to try to take a few AP courses by my Junior Year. She said it looks a lot better on a college resume opposed to a schedule full of Standard/Accelerated classes.

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I took AP chem and AP french junior year. This year Im taking AP stats.

I heard from colleges that an 80% average in an AP course look better than a 85-90% in a blowoff version, like AP physics versus conceptual physics

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Are AP classes like U courses in Canada? If you want to get into a University you basically need to have 6 U courses. These AP sound more like suggested for postg secondary education?

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no they arent. you don't need them. They are basically what you would learn if you took tat course freshman year of college.

But if you get i think 5s on 5 AP tests, then you are allowed to skip your freshman year I believe

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no they arent. you don't need them. They are basically what you would learn if you took tat course freshman year of college.

But if you get i think 5s on 5 AP tests, then you are allowed to skip your freshman year I believe

From what I understand (my sister got 4s and 5s on 10 AP tests), you don't have to have 5s in 5 to go into college as a sophomore. Instead it just has to do with the number of credits that you earn. Also, some schools (Ivy League for sure) don't consider 3s passing.

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Taking whatever AP class will give you that credit in college earlier so you dont have to take the class when your in college. I'd assume that you would still be a freshman, but you'd just graduate earlier.

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Back when I took my AP classes, when you tested at the end your score, whether it was 3, 4, or 5 was the same number of college credits that you were awarded. One of my classes was AP Latin. Anyone taking that these days?

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i took 4 aps, got credit for them, and was able to skip taking classes like calculus and science lab classes. it helps to get them over with in high school, so u dont get stuck having to take them in college.

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I took 7 over two years in HS. It looked really good on my college app and also got me 25 college credits before i even stepped on campus. :D

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AP classes are definitely worth it. I took 6 (English Lit, French, US History, Calc AB, Physics B, and Comp Sci), and I got credit for all but one of them (Physics, cause my school required a 5 to get credit for that, and I did terrible on it!). I came into college with 20 credits, which was really nice, and since I'm not planning on trying to graduate early (kinesiology major, biochem minor, & pre-med makes sure that's not gonna happen!) I can take less credits than everyone else each semester and not work as hard :D

Also, colleges do prefer to see AP classes over regular ones, especially if they're offered. If your school doesn't have AP's it's one thing, but if they have them you really should try and take at least some of them, they like to see that you challenged yourself ;)

What grades colleges take for credit varies from school to school, and can even vary within the college itself (for example, I'm at William & Mary, and you need a 5 to get credit for US History, but you only need a 3 to get credit for some of the languages).

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Right on with what everyone else said. I came in with 24 credits and doing so allowed me to basically dick around with courses for my first semester until I decided on what I wanted to do. Without APs, I might have set myself back a bit by taking so many non-major and non-requirement courses but with the credits I received, I'm still ahead.

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Inside of class- yes, I've studied a lot over the past week. But outside of class- not really. I don't study a lot for finals either. I have my AP Stats test in an hour and a half. Last night I went through everything and made a study guide of every concept, formula, and calculator procedure. Anything other than that is probably overkill for me. I've done very well throughout the entire year on tests, and then on the review. And with a subject as big as Stats, if you don't know it the night before, one night of studying isn't going to do anything.

Gov on the other hand....I have no idea what I'm going to do about that one. I'm pretty sure my Gov teacher made me government-retarded, so I should probably study for that one.

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i just had my AP calc test yesterday and i think it will be worth it for college, to get that out of the way would help a lot. the only studying i did was in class when we did questions from old tests, but weve been doin that for over a month so i was plenty ready for it.

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I had my AP World History exam on Tuesday (yesterday). That was by far the hardest exam I've ever taken, but I think I got a 3 (if so, barely). I'll be taking AP Psychology and maybe AP US Hist.

My friend had to take two exams (4 hours each) back to back-- Calc and World Hist. Sucks.

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