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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Mission helmet?

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Here's a pic of Derek Armstrong at an informal Kings practice this morning -


It looks like it may be an Itech with a Mission logo....hmm.

Also, what kind of gloves is Demitra wearing here?


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I'm still trying to figure out how Made in Canada = MIA. A friend of mine has a father who is a veteran and is not impressed with the use of that acronym as the generally accepted meaning in the US is much different.

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Ah, I see. Do you think that lid is an Itech with the Mission logo on it?

From Mission:

...all I can say is that it will be one of the premier helmets on the market and will have some features that some of the 'other' helmets don't address.

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I have been told that the helmet has the same back piece as the HC100(giving it a similar look), with a new front piece and new internal padding. IMO the Hc100 is a very sweet helmet adding any minor adjustments (for the better, you would hope), it would be the best helmet on the market. But thats my opion, I know other people don't like the Hc100 as much!

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