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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove Question

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What is the piece called inside your glove that is foam and is not completly stitched on to the inside your glove? It goes on the top of your hand and I have them on eagles.....Like I can take it and flap it around but its still attached....anyone know?

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Isn't that the Low Density High Propensity Mitt Musher? Is yours failing? They can be defective on some models. Also, extremely, extremely uncomfortable. I had a customer go through 6 pair just to find the right one. :lol:

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It's just a pad that rests on the back of the hand. I don't like the gloves that come without it as you can feel the stitching and exactly where every roll and gap is on the back of your hand. The gloves without that pad are a little lighter though.

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Is there a name for it though? Or should I just say "back of hand" pad?

Just tell them it's the pad that rests on the back of your hand and I'm sure they will figure it out.

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