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Rule changes in minor hockey?!

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Has anybody found out if their minor hockey will follow suit. Esspecially with cut down obstruction? There was a lot of that in my league last year. One thing I don't want is the shootout. Kids will spend 90% of their practise time on breakaways instead of 60%. How useless, I mean really howmany breakaways do you get a year! I realize some may already be in place and I don't expect the new equip rule. But whats up ?...............


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Obstruction isn't a rule change, its just proper inforcement. I don't know many leagues that had OT, especially minor hockey, so I doubt the SO will be in-place.

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Hockey Canada has some new rule enforcement directives this year and USAH has a couple of minor changes if I recall.

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Hockey Canada has some new rule enforcement directives this year and USAH has a couple of minor changes if I recall.

Officials around the US blow, they have at every level in every league I've played in. Why is it so hard for them to make consistant calls?

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Hockey Canada has some new rule enforcement directives this year and USAH has a couple of minor changes if I recall.

Officials around the US blow, they have at every level in every league I've played in. Why is it so hard for them to make consistant calls?

First of all, the only instruction many refs get is at the annual clinic. I don't see a supervisor or get reviewed all year, so it's up to me. If I want to be honest and work hard, I can. If I want to do it half assed and make up stuff, I can do that as well. Personally, I do my best and bust my ass on the ice but a lot of guys are only in it for the check. I know guys who don't even know about rule changes from two years ago, they do whatever they want on the ice.

Second, everyone has a different standard of enforcement. I have a couple things that I'm pretty tight about and I tell coaches up front. Late hits and high sticks are way out of hand around here because too many guys don't care about calling them. Hell, the RIC of USA Hockey once said, he's never called a match penalty and can't imagine any reason that someone would call one. Assuming that attribution is true, it's pretty scary.

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I usually get at least a couple breakaways a game... unless the team is solid on defense. I find that obstruction is still a bitch. Junior hockey isn't changing rules.

My league got rid of the two line pass this year.

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