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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RbK Shin pads

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Just interested in new shin pads,

but i've got a question...!

Just looked at the 8k,7k and 6k...

Just from the facts what I got on Rbkhockey.com...

Is the 6k better than the 7k ?! :blink:

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i think the biggest difference between the 2 is the 6k has the vents in the front. and i would assume with their numbering scheme, the 7k is probably better. i dont know how much the vent holes would help...

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I had the same problem as you in determining the difference and advantage of the 6K over the 7K. Up until a certain point, I was actually going to get the 6K but decided to go with the 8K as it is easier to get over the internet as compared to the 6K. Unlike you I don't have a LHS that I can walk into and look at things up close and try them on. I just got my 8K shins two days ago and haven't had the pleasure of putting them on and trying them out in a scrimmage, but I am overwhelmed at the size of these things. They are a far cry width-wise and weight-wise over my Jofa 6090's which I've been using over the past 5 years. I'll post how they felt like in a game scenario after I've tried em on.

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here in germany the 7k is cheaper ...whole 50€

40 € = 62 USD = 73 CAD

so it's confusing me...

their numbering scheme and the price category o.O

and at hockeymonkey the 6k is cheaper.. O.o

but the 6k has more features than the 7k.. :blink::unsure:

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here in germany the 7k is cheaper ...whole 50€

50 € = 62 USD = 73 CAD

so it's confusing me...

their numbering scheme and the price category o.O

and at hockeymonkey the 6k is cheaper.. O.o

but the 6k has more features than the 7k.. :blink::unsure:

$62 USD for the 7ks? Hop on those puppies, FAST.

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here in germany the 7k is cheaper ...whole 50€

40 € =  62 USD = 73 CAD

so it's confusing me...

their numbering scheme and the price category o.O

and at hockeymonkey the 6k is cheaper.. O.o

but the 6k has more features than the 7k.. :blink:  :unsure:

$62 USD for the 7ks? Hop on those puppies, FAST.


40€ cheaper than the 6k

the 6k is listed at 145€ = 179.61 USD

and the 7k is listed at 105€ = 130.080 USD

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here in germany the 7k is cheaper ...whole 50€

40 € =  62 USD = 73 CAD

so it's confusing me...

their numbering scheme and the price category o.O

and at hockeymonkey the 6k is cheaper.. O.o

but the 6k has more features than the 7k.. :blink:  :unsure:

$62 USD for the 7ks? Hop on those puppies, FAST.


40€ cheaper than the 6k

the 6k is listed at 145€ = 179.61 USD

and the 7k is listed at 105€ = 130.080 USD


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here in germany the 7k is cheaper ...whole 50€

40 € =  62 USD = 73 CAD

so it's confusing me...

their numbering scheme and the price category o.O

and at hockeymonkey the 6k is cheaper.. O.o

but the 6k has more features than the 7k.. :blink:  :unsure:

$62 USD for the 7ks? Hop on those puppies, FAST.


40€ cheaper than the 6k

the 6k is listed at 145€ = 179.61 USD

and the 7k is listed at 105€ = 130.080 USD


Ya, no kidding :o

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i think the biggest difference between the 2 is the 6k has the vents in the front. and i would assume with their numbering scheme, the 7k is probably better. i dont know how much the vent holes would help...

The 6k has the vent holes and wicking liner on the knee. The 7k has no vents, wicking liner on the whole pad.

Personally, I think the 6k is a better pad, floats on your leg on a comfort pad. Big seller here.

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Do the 6k fit the the same as the 5k? I just bought 5ks in May and they are already too small for my liking. Get this Im 5' 6"-7" and I need 16" shinguards

. By the way how do you measure shinguard size, from the top of my foot to center of knee cap its 17".

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i think the biggest difference between the 2 is the 6k has the vents in the front.  and i would assume with their numbering scheme, the 7k is probably better.  i dont know how much the vent holes would help...

The 6k has the vent holes and wicking liner on the knee. The 7k has no vents, wicking liner on the whole pad.

Personally, I think the 6k is a better pad, floats on your leg on a comfort pad. Big seller here.

I shoulda got the 6K's :(

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They are really two completely different pads.

7K: Traditional construction/fit with a full inner liner and our best protection

6K: Lightweight vented shell and suspension straps (Allows the pad to sit extremely close to the leg). They are something completely new and the response has been great.

It all comes down to what you are looking for...Traditional NHL level protection vs. Lightweight new construction/fit. Hope this helps.

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They are really two completely different pads.

7K: Traditional construction/fit with a full inner liner and our best protection

6K: Lightweight vented shell and suspension straps (Allows the pad to sit extremely close to the leg). They are something completely new and the response has been great.

It all comes down to what you are looking for...Traditional NHL level protection vs. Lightweight new construction/fit. Hope this helps.

=) this post was very very helpful...

so now i know i go with the 7k, because

i'm defenseman ;) and thatz what I looked for...

Thank you very much :)

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I got a question about the 6k shins. The overall shin is great, but i was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with that flap that goes over the top of the knee. For me, it always seems to get stuck up over my pants. Its really anoying. Anyone else had this problem? Any quick fixes?

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I have the 6ks as well and yes I'm having the same issue with that top flap but it only happens with looser/cheaper socks. I'm thinking about just cutting it off. I've seen a few other guys do it too.

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I dont really want to cut it off. That is my last resort. Ive tryed a lot of diffrent sock times, even mesh, same problem. Any other ideas. I cut some slits to make that flap bent a little easyer but it didnt really seem to help.

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I got a question about the 6k shins. The overall shin is great, but i was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with that flap that goes over the top of the knee. For me, it always seems to get stuck up over my pants. Its really anoying. Anyone else had this problem? Any quick fixes?

Could be pants too short.

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When standing the bottoms of my pants come down to my mid knee point and they still get hung up on that flap if my knee bends more than 90 degrees.

To me it seems the padding is too thick to bend properly. So other than taping them down or cutting more slits in them I don't know what else could be done.

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If your having a problem w/ the top pad on your shin guards riding over your breezer's, try pulling your socks down tight from your garter an use tape to hold in place. Having your socks tight won't allow your pad to ride over your breezer's. Like pulling a bed sheet tight...... WORKS FOR ME!!!!

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