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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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National Sports

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Hey guys. My ice hockey season starts on Sept. 21, and i'd like to get new skates before then. I'm looking at the Nike V-12 skates that National is selling for $199.99 CAN. The problem is that i'm in BC. Would anyone be willing to pick me up a pair in 9.5D and ship them to me within the next few days or so? I can pay with Paypal.

Let me know, thanks.

Edit: Issue has been resolved. Thanks.

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i was at national today looking for a blade, and there having a sale next week

rubber response - 99 CDN

nike v12 skates - 199

easton air skate (2003) - 199

bauer 3000/4000 gloves - 70

easton air pants - 85 (2003 i think)

and theres much more....theres also a buy one get 2nd half price deal on all sticks/shafts/blades

just giving a heads up

lol......like three topics down from yours.

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I didn't want to keep adding onto a topic about a sale from October 2004, and I thought I might have more success if I started a new one. Thanks for your concern though.

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I just got back from there today. V-12s are $199 still, I don't think I could have them to you by when you need them.

Also, for those who are interested, they have Pro-Stock TPS sticks. They had a different pattern on the blade, similar graphics to those half wood Vector 110 we saw, but it went from red-black and they were all graphite. They were all $99. It broke my heart not to buy that Legwand. They also had Tkachuk Whips, Sauku (SP) similar to a retail Crosby and those were an R flex. The only RH I saw was a P13 pattern, but I didn't check them out.

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They had some original Responses. Some Response Rubbers (some seemed older, others newer) and then a few Xn10s. All no Warranty "Pro-Stock" although there were a few retail Tkachuk/whips there that were made for Pros.

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eazy did you say you saw pro stock xn10s at national? and which one? i've been looking for an xn10 for a while but they are all still at regular price of $240ish...nothing pro stock

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Legwand was the only one in LH I saw. X-Stiff. There was another in RH, not sure of the pattern. The Legwand was kind've an odd (but not bad) curve. Like a RP, but a little more of a mid-heel and not as much loft.

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