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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Warrenty Department

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Has anyone dealt with them before? If so, how is the customer service.

I just broke my Hex-1 (it snapped on a slapper), and I've had it for 19 days, so I know its within warrenty. The only other people I've dealt with are Easton.

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Mission customer service is generally very good. Call them fast or you're waiting until next week. They close at 5 eastern.

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If you can contact Justin from this site he may be able to help you as well.

That's not his job and it's wrong to expect him to handle everything relating to Mission. They have customer service personnel for situations like this.

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you should try and return it to the place you got it from. they will give you a new one since it's still under warrenty and it should be a lot faster.

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Thanks guys...I called them today, and they are going to take it back. They are also replacing it with a Grip version of the Hex-1. Same curve and flex. You guys were not lying when you said those guys rock.

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That's not his job and it's wrong to expect him to handle everything relating to Mission. They have customer service personnel for situations like this.


Not that I don't like to help, but all I am going to do is have you contact our customer service department...

We should make this a sticky..lol

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