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Question for those who are on-ice officials

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Can anyone point me to somewhere that states that the referee MUST skate backwards to the timekeeper's booth when an infraction is called? I was under the impression that was a "rule" for refs to follow. Is it an NHL rule?

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I don't believe it is a rule for the refs to do either. However, everything I have ever been told says that you should always keep your eyes on all the players as you go to the scorer's bench.

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I don't believe it is a rule for the refs to do either. However, everything I have ever been told says that you should always keep your eyes on all the players as you go to the scorer's bench.

yeah, you're supposed to, but i don't think anyone really does... unlesss they know the treams are wanting to fight.

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Can anyone point me to somewhere that states that the referee MUST skate backwards to the timekeeper's booth when an infraction is called?  I was under the impression that was a "rule" for refs to follow.  Is it an NHL rule?

It's the correct procedure but it is not in the rule book as far as I am aware.

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Can anyone point me to somewhere that states that the referee MUST skate backwards to the timekeeper's booth when an infraction is called?  I was under the impression that was a "rule" for refs to follow.  Is it an NHL rule?

It's the correct procedure but it is not in the rule book as far as I am aware.

Just got back from my annual ref's seminar and this was discussed in some detail tonight. It is not an official rule, but its recommended procedure.

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