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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

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Baseball's a joke, not a sport. I think it's a travesty that the Yankees now have the most championships than any other sports team. I guess if you got a lot of money you can afford a couple.

Hitting a baseball at the major league level is considered one of the most difficult things to do in athletics, so I wouldn't classify baseball as a joke.

You're right about the Yankees buying championships and, admittedly, the Red Sox coming in second. Baseball needs a salary cap for competitive reasons, but their Players Association is too darn strong. (Or, perhaps, the small market teams are making money, even though they aren't winning, so they don't care.)

You could argue that the Canadiens string of cups are "tainted" by the lack of a draft and the way player rights were handled at the time.

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Haha, do you know this clip, where a mascot spazzes (sp?) up on the boards and bails and hits right between the legs ? Right into the jewels... Haha, hilarious. ^_^

It runs on tv kinda often.

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