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Pre-season shoot out rules

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And I'm going on Sunday!

Caps and Pens here next week but Ovechkin isn't playing. It's also the same day as my ref clinic and our fantasy draft, tough decisions all around.

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They didn't re-surface before AHL shootouts, and I don't think the end result was ever effected by the ice (at least that I ever heard about). Hell, if you played on "bad ice" for 65:00....what 5 (or 3) more shots.

The break betwen OT and SO in the "A" is very very quick.

I wonder if they will rethink that part of it when they see how long it takes.

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tonight the coyotes won 3-2 against the Wild in one of the most boring NHL games i've ever seen.

Anways, yes, they did have the shootout at the end, Wild winning 1-0....all i can say is it really puts a damper on the croud's hapiness about winning the game, THEN losing the shootout.

OH YEAH, and Boucher somehow got hurt in the shootout. :o totally random...he just went down, made the save and put his head down and the trainers came out and took him off the ice...he looked like he was in a lot of pain :(

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Now I hear that before the shoot out the Zamboni is going to clear a strip down the centre of the ice leading to the nets. Is this correct?

If I was the driver I'd flood the home team side so the puck wouldn't slide, but make the opposing side nice and smooth, and not too wet!

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on sportscenter thismorning, on the highlite from one of the pre-season games it looked like they flooded for the shoot-out, i dont remember which game it was thought.

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yeah they dont really flood it but just go over it with the 'boni to get all the snow off of the center lane...at least thats what they did in phoenix.

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last night at the wings game, they had a 2 min break, where the zam's came out, dropped the conditioner and simply scraped the snow and bumps off the ice... no water was put down. kinda lame if you ask me.

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If I was the driver I'd flood the home team side so the puck wouldn't slide, but make the opposing side nice and smooth, and not too wet!

Quote from the TSN article:

Following the conclusion of regulation time or overtime there will be a two-minute break, during which the ice resurfacing machine will conduct a ''dry cut,'' making approximately four passes down the center of the ice surface between the goals but adding no water to the surface

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Quote from the TSN article:

Following the conclusion of regulation time or overtime there will be a two-minute break, during which the ice resurfacing machine will conduct a ''dry cut,'' making approximately four passes down the center of the ice surface between the goals but adding no water to the surface

That makes more sense, because if I was a shooter I'd definitely want a lane wider than one Zamboni width. Good that they go over the ice a few times.


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Quote from the TSN article:

Following the conclusion of regulation time or overtime there will be a two-minute break, during which the ice resurfacing machine will conduct a ''dry cut,'' making approximately four passes down the center of the ice surface between the goals but adding no water to the surface

That makes more sense, because if I was a shooter I'd definitely want a lane wider than one Zamboni width. Good that they go over the ice a few times.


No dry cut for the Caps - Pens game tonight.

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Yep Eazy B is right. I was watching to Rangers game tonigt....I think they were playing Colombus, and the commentator said that the NHL realized it took to long for the zams to come on so some guys with shovels come on and just scrape the ice. He also added that theres 20 seconds in between the shots so television can replay the last shooter right after they shoot.

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