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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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WTF are these gloves!

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that is fricken crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they better be made of gold for that price!! they must have made a mistake, cause if they didnt u had better never wear them. just put them on a shelf and observe the expencive beauty. lol

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The 7 should be a 1. It was most likely a typo,unless there is only one pair in existence(SP?).

According to Eagle, dealers aren't supposed to post prices online but 169 would make more sense than 769.

I heard that eagle was inflating prices...

I spoke with my rep and he assured me that Eagle prices actually won't go up for a change next year.

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The 7 should be a 1.  It was most likely a typo,unless there is only one pair in existence(SP?).

According to Eagle, dealers aren't supposed to post prices online but 169 would make more sense than 769.

I heard that eagle was inflating prices...

I spoke with my rep and he assured me that Eagle prices actually won't go up for a change next year.

The price advertising is loosly enforced by all the manufacturers that have them.

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The 7 should be a 1.  It was most likely a typo,unless there is only one pair in existence(SP?).

According to Eagle, dealers aren't supposed to post prices online but 169 would make more sense than 769.

I heard that eagle was inflating prices...

I spoke with my rep and he assured me that Eagle prices actually won't go up for a change next year.

The price advertising is loosly enforced by all the manufacturers that have them.

If you buy in large enough volume, you can do whatever you want.

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and if you're a small store you can blame all your issues on the big bad internet guys!!

Actually us small stores don't have a problem with the internet guys, our problems are with customers who come into our store, waste our time, try on our displays, etc, with the FULL INTENT to buy it from an internet site. Almost as bad as stealing from us. We are not display rooms for internet sites.

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What you guys don't know Jimmy is that those people waste the same amount of time and effort in every shop they go into...someone is wasting my time, I bill them..sure I'll fit them (for the 4th weekend in a row) but its $40 and I'll deduct it off the price if they buy that day...

take a guy like that and have him waste a salesperson's time at the big bad internet retail store and its taking the same % away from sales at any place...

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and if you're a small store you can blame all your issues on the big bad internet guys!!

My only beef is when they get it so cheap they can sell it for what I pay for it. Hell, I'd love to be one of the big, bad online retailers.

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