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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Glove Prices

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I've never bought eagle gloves but Im looking to change my options, does eagle have gloves in the $ 80-100 CAN range?? Any sales on the net? I have just a small LHS and they only carry one eagle glove its $239.99! But it fits well. I started e-mailing/phoneing but to send a seprate email for each different style of eagle glove takes a while and I've got homework. If anybody could help me out that would be great.


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at my local hockey store they sell eagle x40 for 79$canadian and the x50 are about 115-120 (can't remeber off the top of my head) but if your looking for the higher end eagles (x70, x80) i think your out of luck

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at my local hockey store they sell eagle x40 for 79$ and the x50 are about 115-120 (can't remeber off the top of my head) but if your looking for the higher end eagles (x70, x80) i think your out of luck

Are you sure it isn't the X50i? My cost on X50s is only a couple dollars less than the X70.

X30 are 11"

X40 are 12"

X50i are 12.75"

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at my local hockey store they sell eagle x40 for 79$ and the x50 are about 115-120 (can't remeber off the top of my head) but if your looking for the higher end eagles (x70, x80) i think your out of luck

Are you sure it isn't the X50i? My cost on X50s is only a couple dollars less than the X70

X30 are 11"

X40 are 12"

X50i are 12.75"

could be but im preety sur it was the x50 not the x50i, but i'll check next time i go

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the reason the website all say Call/Email for price is because Eagle doesn't want stores to list their prices online. I have no idea why, I only found that out when I started work, and yes our X46s are $70

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Prices aren't listed so that dealer's don't compete and lower prices too close to at cost prices. If retailer A lists a lower price, then all other retailers with price guarantees are obligated to match or beat that lower price, thus driving prices downward, possibly prematurely and thus pissing off dealers and probably the manufacturer.

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