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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just wondering, but is anyone here going to be playing in silversticks? If so where at and what age group, also what's your tema?

My teams teh Reading Jr.Royals Bantam AA, we're playing at iceline in philadelphia

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Just wondering how many people have won the International silver stick. Like the final one. Just because when we won it they went on and on about how few people actually win the tourny.

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VOSHA Mustangs....it's not 100% sure we are going but we should be....we won regional silversticks last year in AA so we should be able to get in.

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Yea when i played AA bantam last year we played vosha, i think we got lit up but i cant remeber. Dont you guys have like calgary jerseys or sumthin. Im thinkin yellow red and white.

Yeah we have Calgary jerseys.

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Twiztidwrista10, who do you play for now, and did you ever play for anyone in the CCYHL?

Sorry im late on this one but i play for the omaha knights AAA u16 this year. Never played in CCYHL. Midwest and SWYHL and then who knows wut were in this year.

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