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New Itech Visor

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a few nights ago i went and watched windsor vs guelph OHL, i noticed that the boys from windsor had the ccm lids with the itech hx50 which had been pretty standard in the O, and all of the CHL, but all of guelph had the rbk helmets with a new itch visor, it looked pretty similar to the hx50 with out the cage part, anyone know anything about it, thanks

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looks like a regular pro wave to me.  nothing special looking there.....

In the first pic you can see the attachment points on the side. I remember someone from Mission telling me they had a new one coming out at the show last year. I don't recall if it was my rep or someone else. There were a lot of complaints about it being too heavy and the plan was to make it much lighter.

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nice picture of #23 from guelph corey konecy, i played jr b with that SOB for a season, real beauty. i figured it was a newer model, probably one that weighed less, ive never used the fx50 but from what ive heard the only con was the weight

edit: look at his pants, graf, wtf, someone is getting fined soon :blink:

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no way dude, he had graf pants on vs windsor too, the ohl is sorta like the nhl, even in exhibition they have to used officially licensed equipment, which im pretty sure is only the ccm pants

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That photo was from the Windsor game. Helmets and gloves have to be CCM/RBK..I doubt that they'd care about pants in exhibition even though the deal does include pants. I have seen blacked out stuff in past year, not recently though. On a side note, Windsor was wearing practice jerseys to start the exhibition season (CCM logo NOT under the neck). Just goes to show that they must not be strict about equipment during exhibition.

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in the exhibition game ive have seen here the returing players usaually have gloves in the team color and the rookies just have whatever gloves they came to camp with.

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a few nights ago i went and watched windsor vs guelph OHL, i noticed that the boys from windsor had the ccm lids with the itech hx50 which had been pretty standard in the O, and all of the CHL, but all of guelph had the rbk helmets with a new itch visor, it looked pretty similar to the hx50 with out the cage part, anyone know anything about it, thanks

Did anyone find out what Itech model this visor was and where to purchase it?

I am having a hard time finding a visor to fit the RBK helmet and that one looks pretty cool.

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If you are talking about the NEWEST itech visor then thats the new hx50, its still clip in and it is just lighter, no cage on top

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That has to be what it is (thanks Dougie). It doesn't seem to be displayed anywhere on the Itech website or hockey vendor's websites yet.

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The new ITECH Visor is named the DX100. It features a patented replaceable shield technology, mirrored frame and weighs virtually the same as HLC half shield. It is the Exclusive visor of the CHL which is why you saw it worn by all players during the Canada - Russia Challenge.

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