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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Blade to choose?

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what is the lightest blade on the market right now? im lookin for wood mabe graphite.... i just bought a Rbk 5k shaft and dont know what blade to get..... any suggestions

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Z-carbon, PTC or Inno is just about as light as you can get in a standard hosel blade. If you want to go short hosel, the Salming comp blade has great feel and the tapered christian wood blades are incredibly light. You could have them made up in a standard tenon with a short or long hosel.

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my first synthesis hybird blade lasted me forever like 3 months of solid use before i sold it it was still a tank and im pirtty hard on blades. the second one i bought wasnt nearly as good its, starting to crack i dont use it anymore.

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every easton hybrid i've had has cracked and gone to shit within a month...

I watched a kid go through two brand new ones in five minutes at open hockey. He didn't buy them from me so I was laughing. The original ones weren't bad. I had one that held up pretty well but the new ones don't seem as durable.

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every easton hybrid i've had has cracked and gone to shit within a month...

Diddo. I had a Hybrid and it cracked and the outer fiberglass all pealed off. Don't get one.

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If you can find one go for the Inno, probably the best blade on the market. If not the PTC worked well for me although it took a little adjustment period, an ice time or two at the most though.

My only other advice is to stay away for the si core z carbon, paired with an Ultra Lite is seemed blade heavy and it wasn't that good of a shooting blade, feel is also overrated from my experiences.

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o really...damn i was going to buy an ultra lite for my z-carbon sicore...

i think i will go for the X,z-bubble or RLXN10!

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is the sicore zcarbon feels blade heavy with an ultralite, a zbubble or rlxn10 will only make matters worse... i would imagine a zcarb+ul would be a well balanced combo though

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i had a great combo with my Z-BUBBLE -Franklin air core 9007(which i would assume is around 160-175gram) so i imagine a lighter blade would be better...

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I have a Inno fedorov in a ultra-lite grip and it's a sweet stick and the blade is really light really good blade . Too bad I rarely use it anymore, now i've gone all wood, nike quest 2 pm1 curve and I love em. No more composite for a while. sorry for the rant.

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every easton hybrid i've had has cracked and gone to shit within a month...

Diddo. I had a Hybrid and it cracked and the outer fiberglass all pealed off. Don't get one.

Same here, 2 games and the thing was done, split right along the bottom.

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