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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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can a true1 be cut for tapered?

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Hi guys, I'm going to buy an OPS true 1 but i'm pretty sure i wont like the curve...so is it possible to cut it to fit tapered? Would i lost a lot of lenght?

I'm asking you this because the tru1 is posible to be a tru not a fused stick (like the stealth) and i heard here it was more harder to do it..or you just can't do it...

2. I was looking for a xn10 OPS Left handed (im RH) full lenght..When you do cut a OPS do you lost a lot of length??(it would be cut for tapered and brand new! so i will cut it ''where i whant'')

Thanks you!

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yea...a r2xn10 shaft is 250cnd! an xn10 OPS is 270cnd and on ebay and here in the sell section they are around 90-150cnd!!!

i know it ''kind of stupid'' but oh well...like i said i don't whant the blade only the shaft...

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2. I was looking for a xn10 OPS Left handed (im RH) full lenght..When you do cut a OPS do you lost a lot of length??(it would be cut for tapered and brand new! so i will cut it ''where i whant'')

Thanks you!

Just buy a R2XN10 shaft. Then you won't have length issues at all.

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because from all the stick and blade i tried...my favorite one is the z-bubble(standard) and r2xn10(tapered) with IGINLA CURVE...

hell....i'm in love with the si-core feel(i tried a stealth and didnd't like the ''HOT BLADE'') so i whant the sicore feel( i own 2 synsthesis sicore blade)

with the XN10 Shaft...but you all know guys xn10 dont have the same feeling as the sicore...and dont have an iginla pattern

that why!

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2. I was looking for a xn10 OPS Left handed (im RH) full lenght..When you do cut a OPS do you lost a lot of length??(it would be cut for tapered and brand new! so i will cut it ''where i whant'')

Thanks you!

Just buy a R2XN10 shaft. Then you won't have length issues at all.

that what i did...but damn 250cnd is a bit step for only a shaft!!!!

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because from all the stick and blade i tried...my favorite one is the z-bubble(standard) and r2xn10(tapered) with IGINLA CURVE...

hell....i'm in love with the si-core feel(i tried a stealth and didnd't like the ''HOT BLADE'') so i whant the sicore feel( i own 2 synsthesis sicore blade)

with the XN10 Shaft...but you all know guys xn10 dont have the same feeling as the sicore...and dont have an iginla pattern

that why!

Damn, I'm so happy, you learn how to write Iginla, no more INGINLA. lol ;)

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Or get an XN10 off ebay with a Nash curve which is pretty close to Iginla I believe or let´s say you like the Iginla, you will love the Nash i.m.o. B) Getting a wrong handed one is plain stupid in any way.

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Or get an XN10 off ebay with a Nash curve which is pretty close to Iginla I believe or let´s say you like the Iginla, you will love the Nash i.m.o. B) Getting a wrong handed one is plain stupid in any way.

nash is closer to sakic,

messier is closer to iggy.

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I understand buying a True1 just to cut it about as much as I understand putting mayonaise on my french fries...err, I mean poutin.



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cobraa your going to loose alot of length when you try to cut the true1 into a tapered shaft. you also have to chisel out the foam. i havent done it to my true 1 shaft yet because the length is pretty off. alot of converted shafts have broke for other people as well... you may be better off trying to find a tapered inno shaft on clearance...maybe an 1100 or novius

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okay well thanks you guys for all your reply...i always whanted to try a messier curve...well let hope that bargain sport send me a MEssier curve lol!

And OH...how is the novius?? did the boron spine help or not?

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because from all the stick and blade i tried...my favorite one is the z-bubble(standard) and r2xn10(tapered) with IGINLA CURVE...

hell....i'm in love with the si-core feel(i tried a stealth and didnd't like the ''HOT BLADE'') so i whant the sicore feel(  i own 2 synsthesis sicore blade)

with the XN10 Shaft...but you all know guys xn10 dont have the same feeling as the sicore...and dont have an iginla pattern

that why!

Damn, I'm so happy, you learn how to write Iginla, no more INGINLA. lol ;)

Merci Monsieur!! lol they were so many people complaining about this mistake...i learned!!

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okay well thanks you guys for all your reply...i always whanted to try a messier curve...well let hope that bargain sport send me a MEssier curve lol!

And OH...how is the novius?? did the boron spine help or not?

the novius has been a solid shaft for me...but i go thorugh blades like hell and tapered blades are costly so i went back to a one piece....i cant judge the boron spine because this is the only tapered shaft i have used

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For blades I highly recommend getting a harrow hockey blade. back in the day i used to go through blades every couple of weeks but my harrow hockey blade is running 3 months and counting!

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