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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Guard help

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I have 14" m-1 shins at the moment and they are just too bulky for my skinny legs....What would you reccomend for some shins with the least amount of "wideness" with a decent amount of protection...Also what shin guards can I get that will literally "hug" my leg?

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I'd recomend the older Easton shin pads. I can't vouch for their top-of-the-line pads, the the mid level pads that I was using were like gloves for my shins. They were Easton Extremes BTW, and were an excellent pad for the money, although I think the Ultralites fit exactly the same, and I know that these are last year's line, but if you can find them, I think they are exactly what you are looking for.

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Not to jack this thread kovy, but is there any company out there that makes shin guards in 14.5"? I could go bigger than a 14" but 15" are long enough that really bugs me and affects my skating, so I was just wondering.

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Good luck, Mission M1 shins are the most narrow shins I've seen.

Not to jack this thread kovy, but is there any company out there that makes shin guards in 14.5"? I could go bigger than a 14" but 15" are long enough that really bugs me and affects my skating, so I was just wondering.

Every brand is a little different. A 14" in one brand is not exactly the same as a 14" in every other brand. Try on a bunch and you'll probably find something that fits.

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