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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best pants for girls

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One of the girls in the hockey program my dad runs broke her hip last night wearing a girdle, and we were talking about girl's hips and stuff, and I was curious as to which brand makes the best pants for girls, weather they are designed specifically for girls or not.

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TPS makes a pant for women FP104. What girdle was she wearing?

They didn't tell me, I wasn't there, my dad didn't know either unfortunately.

I just saw the itech ones too, were the franklin ones any good from back then?

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TPS makes a pant for women FP104. What girdle was she wearing?

They didn't tell me, I wasn't there, my dad didn't know either unfortunately.

I just saw the itech ones too, were the franklin ones any good from back then?

I'm not a huge fan of the Itech pants. We stock the 1000 just so we have a cheap pant.

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TPS makes a pant for women FP104. What girdle was she wearing?

They didn't tell me, I wasn't there, my dad didn't know either unfortunately.

I just saw the itech ones too, were the franklin ones any good from back then?

I'm assuming if she was a young girl it was either a Bauer girdle or Easton since most brands do not make Jr girdles. Frankin did make girdles, now discontinued, they were terrible. If any girdle could lead to injury, they would be the front runner. But, I doubt that the girdle was responsible for the broken hip.

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