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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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christian torch lite first impressions

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well i just used my 1st one today, not impressed. 1st off i had to cut 4 inches off of my stick, killing the 85 flex. i have a 1 pattern aka modano. ive been using modano for 5 yrs now, and was always able to fire rockets, with this stick, really dead IMO. I might have to go back to my stealth and SL and use the torchs when the other 2 break. dead feel, lousy shot, not good IMO, but obv first impression

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hmm... I'm using a 85 torch lite tapered shaft with modano clone wood blade, and i prefer that to my 85 modano SL. The feel is obviously better and there's no drop in my shot's velocity, though the torch lite does feel a little whippier than my SL.

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i had an 85 flex torch lite tapered shaft, it felt great with their torch composite blade but sadly it only lasted me 10 days. luckily it has a 60 day warranty

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well i dunno im comign from a stealth. ill prob still have 3 by the end of the season and just used their tapered shafts and blades, and look for deals on stealths in the process.

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so you are now good with your steatlh ...4-5 month ago it was the baddest stick now you whant another one..!!

anyways, you know me now...let me know how do their tapered shaft feel??( i prefer tapered shaft)

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Oh I´m with you...got to hate that feeling of a bad first impression because in 99% of the cases you know that you will never get happy with that thing. That´s what happened when I got the Vapor XXX lately. Cut it, taped it, held it, shot a couple and I knew it would end on ebay before I even paid for it.

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what happened with your XXX?

Hmn...to put it simple it sucks in all regards. (To my likings that is) It´s not the right topic but out of a company´s top of the line stick I´m expecting more. MUCH more. Stealth, V130, XN10, Adrenaline all better i.m.o. I´m not going into detail now as this topic is yglods topic. I might do something for the review section soon. We´ll see.

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how bout i can teven get the puck undr the crossbar, horrible stick, i am in fact mad at how bad they are. im def going to use their tapered shafts

There's nothing wrong with the ones I've used. Either you got a dud or you're out of your mind.

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Isnt there grip on these? Whats it like?

All 2005 model Christian composite sticks have a glossy (slippery) finish. This decision was made in the interest of allowing players to add their own grip to their liking. I think the shaft is perfect left alone, but some people like to use spray texture or friction tape to give it extra tack.

While everybody is entitled to their own opinion, I believe that the Christian TorchLite is a solid performing stick that will match with any of the high-priced composites on the market.

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are the torch shafts you guys are talking about the red ones? if so, how are they? where were you able to pick one up i tried a friends a while ago but hes a long way away right now and got his in colorado...is there anywhere on the internet that sells christian? i cant remember if thats a brand that doesnt sell on the internet. thanks

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are the torch shafts you guys are talking about the red ones? if so, how are they? where were you able to pick one up i tried a friends a while ago but hes a long way away right now and got his in colorado...is there anywhere on the internet that sells christian? i cant remember if thats a brand that doesnt sell on the internet. thanks

The red is the Torch, the blue is the torch lite. I know of one online dealer for Christian. ;)

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heres the deal. i think i can attribute my dislike for the stick due to flex/dud ness, soim gonna use a harrow v3 sabre 80 flex jsut to see on monday, and the 100 flex torch lite on monday as well, we will see!

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heres the deal. i think i can attribute my dislike for the stick due to flex/dud ness, soim gonna use a harrow v3 sabre 80 flex jsut to see on monday, and the 100 flex torch lite on monday as well, we will see!


I'm sorry to hear of your first impressions of the TorchLite. It sounds like you got a bad one of the bunch.

Anytime you mass-produce a product, you are going to have a few "imperfections." Ask Chadd...he just sent back a Christian Torch stick that was missing half the decals on the shaft. Somewhat comical, but understandably frustrating. (Actually, the stick he sent back is great if your name is "Chris"...consider it a personalized stick).

Regardless, all of our sticks are covered with a 60-day, one time replacement warranty. We stand by our product and if something is not right, tell us before you tell others. Feel free to send me a note if you want to discuss a replacement.


Go Pios

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(Actually, the stick he sent back is great if your name is "Chris"...consider it a personalized stick). 

Wow, ill take it off your hands :)

It's a RH 100 Flex P-1 (Modano). If you are interested, let me know and I will run the sale through a great online retailer I am familiar with called "puckhoghockey.com." B)

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(Actually, the stick he sent back is great if your name is "Chris"...consider it a personalized stick). 

Wow, ill take it off your hands :)

It's a RH 100 Flex P-1 (Modano). If you are interested, let me know and I will run the sale through a great online retailer I am familiar with called "puckhoghockey.com." B)

I hate those bastards. oh wait, nevermind....

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Go Pio's, i used the harrow v3 sabre today, the thing was a beaut. 80 flex 1 curve, im in love, if only my torch lite was liek that. btw are you a rep for christian or production manager, if you are a rep where do you go?

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Go Pio's, i used the harrow v3 sabre today, the thing was a beaut. 80 flex 1 curve, im in love, if only my torch lite was liek that. btw are you a rep for christian or production manager, if you are a rep where do you go?

Christian and Harrow have some crossover products. The Christian Torch and the Harrow V-3 Sabre are the same sticks. The only difference is graphics and finish (Torch has a glossy finish, Sabre has a rubber finish). If you like the Sabre, I highly recommend the Torch.

The TorchLite is a new stick to our line. There is nothing in the Harrow line that is like this stick. It is made with an ultralite graphite which lightens the load, but does make it more prone to breakage. If you are somebody who breaks a lot of sticks, I recommend the Torch over the TorchLite. I personally use the Torch P-3 (Drury) and it is the best stick in our line (IMO).

As for my role with Christian, I am the Brand Manager. I am responsible for the development and marketing of our products. I create the products and let our sales reps sell it.

If you like one-piece sticks and you tried the old Harrow "baby powder finish" sticks, get ready for the 2006 Christian Medealist. More details to follow...

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