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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most protective skate?

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According to the thread about Kor, guys are saying they are really protective.

Most protective skate I've ever worn, too bad it's killing my foot.

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Ya there way more protective than my vapor xx's. I took a slapshot in the side of the foot that i barely felt but woulda killed in the xx's.

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According to the thread about Kor, guys are saying they are really protective.

Most protective skate I've ever worn, too bad it's killing my foot.

What is bothering you? As I understood, they sort of fit like missions?

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Right at the widest part of my foot on the inside of my right foot the skate will not form correctly. My left foot took a couple of bakings and it's fine. The right boot seems to keep coming back to the original shape a bit more. The sales manager has offered to replace the skates in the event it is a flawed pair, but I want to give it another shot to mold it.

I wore it to ref tonight and by the start of the second period I looked like Paul Coffey blocking a shot; one foot on the ice and the other in mid air. I have a 1/16" bump on the spot now thanks to the skates.

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Easton Synergies are said to be very protective, too. Obviously, the composite skates like KOR and Synergies are potentially more protective than classic material skates.

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