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Ovechkin Question

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I watched his first game against the Blue Jackets, I swear he passed the puck to Zubrus to collect the assist on his goal. On the official stat sheet it never showed up. Did I make this up or did he not get an assist on this goal?

If he did, isn't that something that should be fixed? Even post game as they change scoring sometimes between periods.

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Not going to make much of a difference now i dont think. Refs make mistakes all the time on assists and goals. I know from experience. They're not human.

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I've seen guys get phantom assists and other guys get shafted. I'm sure it's some combination of human error and bias.

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halpern passed the puck from infront of the net to zubrus. Halpern had an assist on all three goals. two were passes from right in front of the net and the other was to Ovechkin in front of the net

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ya but in show all goals reviewed to see if a mistake was made on who got points.

Maybe it's different now but I've seen guys get assists while they're on the bench. Unless it took them more than a month to make the change, the points stuck.

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