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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tanguay's Stick

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It looks like the Harrow V-2 that has been painted over to block the name. We made sticks for Alex in 2004, but I am surprised if he would still be using them this season. I am fairly certain that Alex just signed a deal with Easton for sticks.

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if not a V2 maybe an RBK he was using prior to signing the deal? looks like he's decked out in the stuff otherwise

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Either it's a two piece or there is a major finish flaw right where a connection point would be.

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It looks like the Harrow V-2 that has been painted over to block the name. We made sticks for Alex in 2004, but I am surprised if he would still be using them this season. I am fairly certain that Alex just signed a deal with Easton for sticks.

That wouldn't hurt Easton. I think he's a slight improvement over Pascal Dupius the new face of Easton :lol: other then Heatley that is.

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