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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative shaft

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My buddy wants to get an innovative shaft. He uses a synthesis right now, 110 flex. my question is, since there are a bunch of different models, which one should he get? and what flex number? we are talking top of the line here. thanks!

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I found 200 flex hard to come by but 220 is very similar to a 110 easton and better feel.


That was a typo, I meant 220.

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Just an aside I did not want to start a new topic. I searched for but could not find it. does anyone have a pic of pro return maltby? Chadd Love the Avatar I just came back from the motherland of the dark nectar. And yes it tastes better!!

Thanks Sid

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Just an aside I did not want to start a new topic. I searched for but could not find it. does anyone have a pic of pro return maltby? Chadd Love the Avatar I just came back from the motherland of the dark nectar. And yes it tastes better!!

Thanks Sid

I have one at home on my server but I have a game tonight and a meeting in the morning tomorrow. If nobody has one, I'll post it late tomorrow night.

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thanks... now, standard or tapered tendons? which ones can fit what blades?

standard will fit standard blades

tapered will fit tapered blades

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yea but heard it wasnt a good shaft...because if you use the standard blade and need to cut the taper end..you are dead...and this shaft is suppose to have to flex point..so it does flex at 2 different place..

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wouldnt it make more sense to cut the standard end regardles.. of which end you wanted to use..

i think kickpoints are over rated

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i use the daul fit 1100 with a tapered blade. the best shaft i have ever used. the kick point is 12" from each end. the upper flex i have not noticed at all.

golfpuck you are right in saying cut the regualr end, that is what i did. i also have no plans to use a std blade again.

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yea...that true..i'm sorry i never thing about this...i feel like a idiot lol.. but maybe the kickpoint taper a bit(anyways i have no clue i never saw the stick by itselft)

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Just an aside I did not want to start a new topic. I searched for but could not find it. does anyone have a pic of pro return maltby?

No pic, but it's a Drury/YP. I forget the flex, but want to say either 260 or 220.

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