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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hex-1 vs. Synergy ST vs. Vapor XX

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Go with the Hex-1, Synergys are okay but there is something about them that feels dead to me.Vapors are just crap,I had three and broke them each in a two Week Span.

They have no feel when you recieve a pass or anything.

I would wait untill the TPS Adrenaline Control comes out later this month.

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Go with the Hex-1, Synergys are okay but there is something about them that feels dead to me.Vapors are just crap,I had three and broke them each in a two Week Span.

They have no feel when you recieve a pass or anything.

I would wait untill the TPS Adrenaline Control comes out later this month.

If you broke three vapors in a two week span each I'll venture to say you had defective sticks. If they all failed in such a short time span with average use Bauer would not make a profit off them and would not sell them, it's as simple as that. I believe Inno makes the Vapor XX's, and you don't hear anyone complaining about them.

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The blades never broke,it was always the shafts. Did Inno make the Int 77 Flex ones too?And no they were not a defective batch as I got them all at different places. At my LHS in a two Month Span the bathroom was filled with them,I mean there was litterally a foot-2 feet high of broken XX every single one directly in the middle of the shaft or 3 inches above the fuse point.

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The blades never broke,it was always the shafts. Did Inno make the Int 77 Flex ones too?And no they were not a defective batch as I got them all at different places. At my LHS in a two Month Span the bathroom was filled with them,I mean there was litterally a foot-2 feet high of broken XX every single one directly in the middle of the shaft or 3 inches above the fuse point.

true... B)

FI, see my topic about the XX durability...

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be careful about waiting on a brand new stick. theres a chance the first batch could be bad.

The only new feature is the grip, that shouldn't cause any major problems.

The hex is a very good stick in terms of feel and shot velocity, better than the other two choices mentioned.

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