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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro tacks.. vector pro ..8k

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how does ccm decide who wants what skate?

Three top of the line skates and all three have different prices...

Will any be phased out? Obviously not the RBK.

I like the vector pros, but thought the pro tacks seemed nicer in fit and finish...

I guess I find it confusing as to what skate they want to be a flagship

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the skate market has got so confusing and expensive, it's not even funny...

Vectors are nice, They fit real well but that e blade? I don't know

RBK 8 seem to be the same as the vectors, dus I don't understand the extra cash..

Now tacks are supose to be good but again that e-blade... I never used it...

I think that Hockey skates should go to only selling the boot and holders separate... like speed skating...

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that would be very nice...

by the way the tack and 8k seem cheap to me...because of the plastic outsole...when i first saw them that the first thing i notice...the 8k seem different than the tacks...but if you are planning getting tack i tihnk you are better with pro tacks 2004

anyone with me on this one??04 pro tack over 05 pro tacks?(they whanted to make it different...with all cute stuff(a la nike) but i'm wondering how they are...

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RBK 8 seem to be the same as the vectors, dus I don't understand the extra cash..

The difference in price is prob just your local guys jacking it up based on the "popularity" mark up. I actually sell all three of those skates for the same price, but that's me. Two local competitors sell it for $60 more.

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RBK 8 seem to be the same as the vectors, dus I don't understand the extra cash..

The difference in price is prob just your local guys jacking it up based on the "popularity" mark up. I actually sell all three of those skates for the same price, but that's me. Two local competitors sell it for $60 more.

Jimmy - How much do you sell the 8K for?

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RBK 8 seem to be the same as the vectors, dus I don't understand the extra cash..

The difference in price is prob just your local guys jacking it up based on the "popularity" mark up. I actually sell all three of those skates for the same price, but that's me. Two local competitors sell it for $60 more.

Jimmy - How much do you sell the 8K for?

I'm not allowed to print CCM/RBK prices on the high end models, but I can say less than $400. US.

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hockey monkey sells them rbk 8 for 479...

Well, what do ya know, a LHS that sells something less than one of the Great internet sites! Plus free sharpening, molding, and service after the sale. :D

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hockey monkey sells them rbk 8 for 479...

Well, what do ya know, a LHS that sells something less than one of the Great internet sites! Plus free sharpening, molding, and service after the sale. :D

well in the south, more precisely, atlanta, thats the best you can get because stores have nada

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hockey monkey sells them rbk 8 for 479...

Well, what do ya know, a LHS that sells something less than one of the Great internet sites! Plus free sharpening, molding, and service after the sale. :D

well in the south, more precisely, atlanta, thats the best you can get because stores have nada

Hockey in Atlanta???? JK. You can't expect too much in a area that doesn't thrive on hockey. Not really the LHSs fault. I can't see how a hockey pro shop could survive down there, unless they sold bicycles, basketballs, and other sporting goods.

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Call Hartley, he has some hookups with CCM. They sponsor his summer camps.

yeah, i actually played on his team this summer in a bear league... I don't think he would hook that up...

I want a Mission S500 or Vector pro/ Reebok 8 but at close to 500$, it's an expensive try and see...

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hockey monkey sells them rbk 8 for 479...

Well, what do ya know, a LHS that sells something less than one of the Great internet sites! Plus free sharpening, molding, and service after the sale. :D

well in the south, more precisely, atlanta, thats the best you can get because stores have nada

Hockey in Atlanta???? JK. You can't expect too much in a area that doesn't thrive on hockey. Not really the LHSs fault. I can't see how a hockey pro shop could survive down there, unless they sold bicycles, basketballs, and other sporting goods.

My store was in Orlando and did just fine.

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hockey monkey sells them rbk 8 for 479...

Well, what do ya know, a LHS that sells something less than one of the Great internet sites! Plus free sharpening, molding, and service after the sale. :D

well in the south, more precisely, atlanta, thats the best you can get because stores have nada

Hockey in Atlanta???? JK. You can't expect too much in a area that doesn't thrive on hockey. Not really the LHSs fault. I can't see how a hockey pro shop could survive down there, unless they sold bicycles, basketballs, and other sporting goods.

My store was in Orlando and did just fine.

More transplants in FL! Plus when there is only one store in an area, it's not like folks have a choice and or competition.

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