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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech pro 'mirrored' visor

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It's a little dark for me and I don't care for the stigma that goes along with wearing it. I do like the lower price of the clear version over the Oakleys and the vision quality is just as good. Plus the Itechs aren't as likely to get milky if they come in contact with the wrong type of substance.

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It's a little dark for me and I don't care for the stigma that goes along with wearing it. I do like the lower price of the clear version over the Oakleys and the vision quality is just as good. Plus the Itechs aren't as likely to get milky if they come in contact with the wrong type of substance.

true, Oakley are a pain in the ass to have them when they become all milky.

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The worst thing for me is the darkness of the visor becomes really apparent when you want to keep your head up and just glance at the puck with the edge of your vision, I find that's right where the bottom edge of the visor is for me and it can make it hard to get a quick look at the puck. I get more compliments than haters, but be prepared to take a bit of ribbing. If I was buying it new I probably wouldn't spend the extra money for the mirrored over the clear, or maybe the tinted if you play in a lot of bright arenas or have sensitive eyes.

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It's a little dark for me and I don't care for the stigma that goes along with wearing it. I do like the lower price of the clear version over the Oakleys and the vision quality is just as good. Plus the Itechs aren't as likely to get milky if they come in contact with the wrong type of substance.

true, Oakley are a pain in the ass to have them when they become all milky.

A helmet bag and using AFR solution will take good care of your Oakley shield. I usually have them stay good with the exception of scratches and dings during games.

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