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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True One

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FEATURES - Prepeg Graphite Blade - INNOVATIVE'S reputation in the NHL for the strongest graphite shafts has been built with INNOVATIVE'S proprietary molding technology and aerospace-grade Prepeg graphite. Innovative has transferred this technology edge into THE TRUE ONE. THE TRUE ONE is the first and only compression-molded stick with a Prepeg Grahite blade...bringing you today's most responsive and durable hockey stick.

did this is mean that the innovative true one have the same feeling,same construction of the new tps response plus(I know tps have a prepreg blade)???

What the pre-preg construction??if some one know

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Inno's foam is still injected into the blade though. On the True 1 if you look on the tip of the blade you can actually where they fixed the hole where they injected the foam in. Opposed to the TPS sticks, where it's built from the inside out.

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Guest hunter4

i think that the response is a better all around stick for the money...but thats just my opinion

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i think that the response is a better all around stick for the money...but thats just my opinion

I bought a response this winter....and i hate it so much(response yellow 02 i think) they were 159$ CND...I were INCAPABLE of stickhandling!!!!I were so frustraded

but I get really lucky...the guys accept to give me back my money!! :D (short story) I ask the guys of my LHS to get me a whip senior katchuk curve....He sais that i will have it in 4-5 days from tps...after 2 week he still don't have in stock...so he was so shy that he sais i will give u back your money to go buy it at another hockey store

This is a really honest hockey store manager!!! B)

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I loved the feel of my 02 and 03 Responses, they just weren't as durable as some others. It was easier for me to stickhandle with that than some other blades that was harder to feel the puck.

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I loved the feel of my 02 and 03 Responses, they just weren't as durable as some others. It was easier for me to stickhandle with that than some other blades that was harder to feel the puck.

my problem was i just feel the puck....i were like if the puck was 5pound,in case of 1 pound!!!!

it were like if my response were made of plastic!!! ;)

Before i tried the response i were playing with a franklin air core 7035 and i retunr with that stick after trying the response,vector,synergy,ultra graphite blade,and wood blade

The GREATEST FEELING!!!!!!for sure it not the most durable stick but it have the greatest feeling..like the MOMENTUM(air core)

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Ive gone back to wood blades (in a synthesis) for the first time in 3 years and honestly the puck feels like its glued to my stick. If feel is what your looking for, tapered shaft + r2 wood blade is unbeatable.

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