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AHL stick swinging

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I'm not sure where this goes but did anyone else see this? It's not good for hockey after the Bertuzzi incident...

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I also saw it on ESPN. I have not put too much thought yet into the act yet and only watched the short clip. But from what I saw it looked like the guy that got hurt swung his stick at the Hamilton player first but didnt make contact, and then the Hamilton player did the same thing and hit him in the face. But the images of the guy twitching and convulsing on the ice was horrific I am really glad he was OK in the hospital.

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Not a good thing to do but the guy should have known it was comming, he did try to hit him before the Montreal Prospect did, but it's not very inteligent to do it.

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I also saw it on ESPN. I have not put too much thought yet into the act yet and only watched the short clip. But from what I saw it looked like the guy that got hurt swung his stick at the Hamilton player first but didnt make contact, and then the Hamilton player did the same thing and hit him in the face. But the images of the guy twitching and convulsing on the ice was horrific I am really glad he was OK in the hospital.

No... The first guy went down and his stick, accidently hit the top of the hamilton players head, then the hamilton player clubbed him in the face, worse then what bretuzzi did, one of the worst IVe seen

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I saw the stick come around as he was falling down. Whether or not it was intentional, like what belak did, or unintentional i dont know. I'd have to see it another time. The action was by far worse than what Bertuzzi did. The resulting injury was not as bad though. As for premeditation...well, i wont even go there.

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It was accident, but it was a reaction. Bertuzzi was premeditated. Not sure that the injury was much less severe, it caused a seizure.

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It was accident, but it was a reaction. Bertuzzi was premeditated. Not sure that the injury was much less severe, it caused a seizure.

Yes Bertuzzi premeditated his attack. No argument there. To risk opening up an old bag of worms, I think there is a big difference in both intent to injure, and potential to injure when someone swings a stick at someone versus a gloved punch to the head. Given the choice, I would opt for the punch, even from a behemoth like Bertuzzi. And as for the severity of the injury, I guess an argument can be made that Moore's transverse processes injury and the seizure aren't that different....

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Suspension, yes for the rest of the playoffs and maybe a bit of the next season but not a complete ban, he is only 20 years old that would just be stupid. A suspension for the rest of the playoffs for him would mean about the same as the Betuzzi incident cause he is an impact player on his team. Just imagine if the guy would have it him before (actually he did hit the helmet) before he hit him, we would have a complete different conversation right now and the incident probably woudn't have happened if the other guy woudn't have swong is stick before he did.

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Is this guy a Euro? I keep on hearing people, namely the player who got hit's coach arguing for him never to be allowed to play in NA again. His punishment shouldn't be any less severe because hes only 20. From the looks of it, it looked just as bad as the Bertuzzi, but he wasn't as injured.

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I wish I could've seen this, Hamilton is in Canada for the guy who said he should be kicked out of the states. If it's as bad as you guys say I think he should get worse than Bertuzzi because he used a weapon, some people are saying that if the first guy connected he would be in trouble. Much like the Bertuzzi incident, if Moore didn't run at Naslund then Bert wouldn't have done anything either.

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Exactly, you cannot justify these actions with, "well he did" statements. In the end everyone should be held accountable for their own actions.

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Just saw it, and the guy. He should be gone for at least the year that was just hideous. Not sure if the article covered it, but apperantly it collapsed a tube, which cut off his air, thats why he was convulsing. I'm a little surprised the guy who did it isn't in worse condition than the victim, I'm surprised the 3 guys who went to kill him ever let up. Apperantly from then on in all the Cleveland team did was beat up the bulldogs, even those not willing to fight. Hopefully I'll get to see their next game.

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Not sure if this is correct but from the short clip I saw, the attacking player just swung his stick at the player w/o first looking and theres a good chance that he didn't know the played fell. That slash would have been around the hip area if the player wasn't on the ice. I just hope this was intended to be a nasty slash on the hips as we see in every game, because if he knew the player fell and intentionally hit him in the face he should never play the sport again. Pretty ugly anyways.

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