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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fury hockey sticks

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Has anyone used any of the fury sticks or shafts? I broke my shaft today and in our pro shop they just got them in and they dont really seem to be bad. Anyone with feedback would help.

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I used one for a while, the puck feel is very good for a comp blade but I'm not a fan of the grip. I'm closing mine out, what hand/curve/flex are you interested in?

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I used one for a while, the puck feel is very good for a comp blade but I'm not a fan of the grip. I'm closing mine out, what hand/curve/flex are you interested in?

Have any in an 85 or lower flex?

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I thought the same guy in Ontario does the Gear and Fury stuff, the Fury's I've seen while @ Cupolo's looked to have the same blade as the GEAR..so if that's the case I'd probably save the $75

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Chadd do you cary the shafts too?

I have a bunch of int shafts, a couple of 120s and maybe one 90 flex.

Jim, I haven't seen the Gear blade but I have seen other that look similar but do not feel the same.

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