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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick repair...

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Would you think a stick repair store(with the composite machine) would be able to longer the shaft...i mean beside using a 6 inch wood plug..it could be a 6 inch extension..would this be possible?

if yes, Would it be more heavier than a 6 inch wood plug??

and finally, would it worth doing this??or it is too expensive...

thanks guys


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Considering the added weight of the repair substances it wouldn't be much of a weight savings, if any.

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There is SRS(shaft repair services) and stick fix, I'm sure a google search will turn up something on each.

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just wondering i know a while back when the composite plug came in...we weight it and it was only like 9 gram different

but do anybody have a weight for a long 6 inch wood plug( i think i'M using 8 inch or 6)

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from what i have see

wood = 8-12g per inch

graphite = 5-8g per inch

but a 6 inch plug is really 8 inches, due to the 2 inches that get inserted in the shaft.

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