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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grip coatings

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I've had retailers tell me that they suggest to their customers to either put talcum powder (basically baby powder) or silicon spray into their gloves.

EDIT: Whoops, it actually might be silicon gel, not silicon spray.

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Ive tryed Pow'r Tac. And it sucks. Its a really sticky that wears off in about 30 minutes. Ive also tryed Plasti Dip spray wich is a more mild grip. The thing is is that it starts to peel on the corners of the shaft after about 30 min of use. Otherwise its pretty nice. I use it on my synthesis and my zero g's. I just wish it was more durable. Does anyone know any other good ones? ones that wont wear down after 1 skate.

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Just wondering, and I know it's not a spray, but has anyone tried that Easton Tackifying (or whatever it's called) cloth?

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Just wondering, and I know it's not a spray, but has anyone tried that Easton Tackifying (or whatever it's called) cloth?

It is unbelievable! The grip that it adds is better than a grip shaft off the shelf.

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Just wondering, and I know it's not a spray, but has anyone tried that Easton Tackifying (or whatever it's called) cloth?

It is unbelievable! The grip that it adds is better than a grip shaft off the shelf.

Cool, thanks G.M.

I'm gonna have to pick one up now. :lol:

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Anyone know any good ones(besides plasti dip)? Im looking for a grip similar to the newer easton grip or bauer grip. Not a polarfiber or a rough grip. Also something that will last a little while? Any help?

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stick it, its made by GMP. its more of a polarfiber grip

how much rought is that stuff???i really liked my polarfibre franklin shaft..

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I'm now a grip-freak lol... can anyone tell me where i could buy these easton cloth grip tape?? or any stuff that some-one used and seem great...

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Just wondering, and I know it's not a spray, but has anyone tried that Easton Tackifying (or whatever it's called) cloth?

It is unbelievable! The grip that it adds is better than a grip shaft off the shelf.

Cool, thanks G.M.

I'm gonna have to pick one up now. :lol:

I use one now as well. All of my non-grip sticks are up to par with my grip versions.

Quick tip: Use a rubber glove or something while using the cloth on your stick. Getting it on your hands while the cloth is fresh takes a little work to get off.

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I'm now a grip-freak lol... can anyone tell me where i could buy these easton cloth grip tape?? or any stuff that some-one used and seem great...

Do you mean the tackifying cloth? If so,


thanks you, that what i was looking for!! excellent

my problem is...i have 2 great r2xn10 shaft laying around+ a stealth...but i can use them since i'm now addict to my SL grip stick..

i will for sure buy some of this thing! any other suggestion!?

Do you think using candle tape method would work too?

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I'm now a grip-freak lol... can anyone tell me where i could buy these easton cloth grip tape?? or any stuff that some-one used and seem great...

Do you mean the tackifying cloth? If so,


thanks you, that what i was looking for!! excellent

my problem is...i have 2 great r2xn10 shaft laying around+ a stealth...but i can use them since i'm now addict to my SL grip stick..

i will for sure buy some of this thing! any other suggestion!?

Do you think using candle tape method would work too?

I've done the candy cane taping and have used the tacky cloth.

I can tell you the tacky cloth is much better in terms of matching the rubbery feel of grip coatings on sticks.

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is this cloth durable or i can only buy 2-3 of them and they would last a season long??

It's very durable. I only purchased 1 in October and have done 4 sticks and the cloth is still like new.

Granted though, I'm 35 and only play 2 times a week. One roller, one ice.

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is this cloth durable or i can only buy 2-3 of them and they would last a season long??

It's very durable. I only purchased 1 in October and have done 4 sticks and the cloth is still like new.

Granted though, I'm 35 and only play 2 times a week. One roller, one ice.

Assume for a minute that you skated 5-7 times a week, how long do you think it would last using it on 1 maybe 2 sticks?

Oh, and this is Varsity in HS, and a house league on the side.

And, is this any better than TPS's control grip a la Adrenaline Control?

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