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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grip coatings

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I decided to get some tackifying cloth a few weeks ago, and I have used it for about five games. I'm happy with the grip coating, but the grip only seems to last a few shifts, and by the third period, its pretty much all gone. Does this happen to anyone else? Is it possible I'm not putting it on correctly or something?

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I wear CCM 892 gloves - they have small rubber type inserts on the palms that give you a bit of grip on every stick! I can recommend them!!

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gorilla grip at your local tennis store is as good as easton tackify cloth and a few kwachas cheaper

I've never seen anywhere, and im a pretty hardcore tennis player.

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The Easton cloth is terrible, it wears off the stick and messes up your gloves. I have tried too many things to count to add grip to my sticks (why didn't they make a response+ grip damn it?!) The best thing I have found is Shaft Saver tape. While it's not really meant for this, it does add a lite grip close to the older Easton Grip (think GOLD synergys). Some people don't like it because it does add a little weight, but if you keep it to the areas that you grip instead of the whole shaft, it helps. Plus, anything you add will add weight.

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