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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you were an NHL'er

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I am very calm. Just stating the facts.

Just because a guy makes it to the NHL doesn't mean that it is anything goes.

go back to the very first page and read the very first post

"If you were an nhl'er and you could wear any kit you want what would be your lineup?"

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I am very calm.  Just stating the facts.

Just because a guy makes it to the NHL doesn't mean that it is anything goes.

go back to the very first page and read the very first post

"If you were an nhl'er and you could wear any kit you want what would be your lineup?"

And I am just stating what would happen with your wishes. :D

if this thread is clearly about what you would like to wear, and you know it's NEVER going to happen, then you obviously don't need to know whats going to really happen because it's never gonna happen. Thank you for sharing though :)

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Whatever they paid me to wear/use, I have spray paint.

You'd never see your sticks if you spray painted, let alone your other gear.

I probably won't get that 10lb dick I've been praying for either. I guess if we're shattering all dreams here, we better go around and tell kids there's no cure for cancer.

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Since this thread has just gone all over the place, I'm going to say that I'd want:

1. TPS HGT Nylon Gloves with Vapor XXX fingers and spiked knuckles

2. A Sher-Wood PMP9050 with a hollowed out core like the Quest Zero G with a Fedorov Pattern blade (or maybe just a Quest Zero G with a Fedorov pattern)

3. Supreme 8090 Skates made from separate molds for each foot

4. My first name on my jersey instead of my last, just like Ichiro.

5. My own action figure with incredible goal scoring and model shagging action

6. Some talent :P

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SRI, how do you know all this stuff? are you an equipment manager? and why wouldnt you be able to do whatever you want? im sure you could if you were willing to shell out some coin.... you are just saying that its hard to do this because the players want money so they enter contracts with the equipment companies, so that is why everything is so constrictive. maybe if i were a pro, i wouldnt sign a contract and i could do whatever i want, ok man? also, if u are an equipment manager for the nhl, do you think you could get me the rbk 9ks right now? i need some pump action...

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SRI, how do you know all this stuff? are you an equipment manager? and why wouldnt you be able to do whatever you want? im sure you could if you were willing to shell out some coin.... you are just saying that its hard to do this because the players want money so they enter contracts with the equipment companies, so that is why everything is so constrictive. maybe if i were a pro, i wouldnt sign a contract and i could do whatever i want, ok man? also, if u are an equipment manager for the nhl, do you think you could get me the rbk 9ks right now? i need some pump action...

He's a rep

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sticks: 50, 54, and 58 inch custom length, 105 and 110 flex, sand paper grip easton ultra lite shafts with my custom woodie (bauer p71-ish) or some custom length/pattern sher-wood 5030 or 7000s

I have only seen about a dozen players whose sticks come in cut to length for them. All have been top, contract players.

Also, you'd have a tough time getting Easton to make you a shaft with the "shark skin" outer.

I used to have Sher-wood 7000 SOP made to 48" length all the time. I wanted the stick made as light as possible back in the day. I also had custom paint: White shaft above the blade with black Sher-wood lettering. Once I requested the 48" stick, they would print Sher-wood close enough to the bottom so that all the graphics would fit. Players get sticks made to length all the time.

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I was going to say something on that because Christian made my woods to my length as well. I can see why comp would be a little more difficult.

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I was going to say something on that because Christian made my woods to my length as well. I can see why comp would be a little more difficult.

Actually, the length you requested was exactly their standard length. And you should have them this weekend.

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I was going to say something on that because Christian made my woods to my length as well. I can see why comp would be a little more difficult.

Actually, the length you requested was exactly their standard length. And you should have them this weekend.

I remembered you asked me though, so I figured if needed they'd be altered.

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Easy SRI, its just a fantasy thread. Ive read all your posts and almost all of them are about how you couldnt do this in the NHL. Easy up, were just having some fun.

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SRI what company do you rep for, because you are like the last person i would want to be a rep... I really could not see myself liking the company that you rep for if i were a pro

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SRI what company do you rep for, because you are like the last person i would want to be a rep... I really could not see myself liking the company that you rep for if i were a pro

What if it was the company whose logo you use as an avatar? I'm not saying it is, just a hypothetical.

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actually, chadd, im a little upset with graf nowadays because the quality on my last pair was deplorable, and the cobra steel is in the dumps.... ive been using the ccm vector pros, and never want to go back to graf... when I talked to them about the quality of the skate, their responses basically told me "i dont care". i just havent gotten around to changing mr. avatar

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I think he's just trying to rationalize the misconception that lots of people have here that every pro gets every custom peice of equipment that they ever dreamed of. I personally was under the impression that the teams got sticks, skates and stuff for free because of the free advertizing that companies get just for having players use their equipment.

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actually, chadd, im a little upset with graf nowadays because the quality on my last pair was deplorable, and the cobra steel is in the dumps.... ive been using the ccm vector pros, and never want to go back to graf... when I talked to them about the quality of the skate, their responses basically told me "i dont care". i just havent gotten around to changing mr. avatar

I hear that. The rep just asked us if we wanted an account a couple weeks ago and I'm more than a little skeptical.

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whatever sri im not gonna go any farther with this, its clear that you know a lot more than me on this topic, the only thing is that you shouldnt be so pretentious about how much you know. take a chill pill

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I wouldnt really call it losing money like you were selling the equipment to kids at below the cost required for the company to make it. its advertising, and advertising always has it's costs.

and i really do like the way that this thread has turned out, very interesting to find this stuff out, but it makes me wonder 'how do minor leaugers like fedor fedorov end up with pimped out skates and sticks?' i would imagine the budget for minor leauge team eqpt managers is much tighter than it is for the nhl.

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SRI, speaking of gear and stuff, do you hear what the pros think about the gear? like does their "testing" of the gear have a positive effect for the companies, who have this great area to try out the "beta" of their equipment, listen to the pros, and then make whatever adjustments they need to before the stick makes retail? i would think that companies find that to be invaluable

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Send me PM if you don't want to give it up. I have been in this business since 1978 so I just wonder if we have crossed paths in Montreal at the CSGA show.

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